List of participants  

The Meeting of Russian National Sub-Committee

BSR Interreg III B Program.

June 21st, 2002, Pushkin, Kotchubey Palace


1.   Avdeev Kirill

Head of External Economic, Relations Department, External Affairs Committee, Administration of Saint-Petersburg (Saint-Petersburg), co-chairman of RNSC, a member of Monitoring Committee of BSR Interreg IIIB Program

2.   Alexandrova Zhanna


Deputy Head of Committee for External Economic Activity and International Contacts, Government of Leningrad oblast (Leningrad oblast)

3.   Batchaev Arthur

Head of Department, ANO "The Institute of system projects".

4.   Belova Elena

Academy Secretary, Head of Development Department of ICSER “Leontief Centre”, (St.Petersburg)   

5.   Berezin Mikhail

General Director of real estate agency  «AURIK»

6.   Bessudnov Alexsey

Correspondent of «Expert» magazine

7.   Blank Vladimir

Deputy Head of Administration of Pskov oblast

8.   Bolotov Dmitrij

Research Assistant of Analytic Department, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University

9.   Butin Vladimir

Deputy Head of Executive Committee, Association «North-West»

10. Vladimirova Tatijana

Head Specialist, Committee for External Affairs, St. Petersburg Administration

11. Zaucha Jacek

Deputy Head of Secretariat VASAB 2010

12. Ivanova Elena

Head Specialist, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Administration of Saint-Petersburg (Saint-Petersburg)

13. Iogman Leonid 

Deputy Governor of Vologda oblast, Head of Economic Department (Vologda oblast)

14. Karelina Irina   


Head Secretary of RNSC, St. Petersburg representative of the CSD/BSR VASAB 2010, Member of Steering Committee of BSR INTERREG IIIB Program, General Director of ICSER “Leontief Centre”, (St.Petersburg)

15. Limonov Leonid

Director-Coordinator of Research Programs of ICSER “Leontief Centre”, (St.Petersburg)

16. Mikhailova Nadezhda

Chairman’ Assistant of Prezidium Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences

17. Morozov Vsevolod

Association “North-West”, Director of Social Development Department (Saint-Petersburg)

18. Naryshkin Sergey

Chairman of the Committee for External Economic Activity and International Contacts, Government of Leningrad oblast (Leningrad oblast), co-chairman of RNSC, member of Steering Committee BSR Interreg III B Program

19. Oding Nina

Head of Research Department of ICSER “Leontief Centre”, (St.Petersburg)  

20. Perelygin Yurij

Scientific Head of "Center for Strategic Research" Foundation "North-West"», General Director ÎÎÎ "Lengiprogor"

21. Plichta Marta

Councilor of CEEC/NIS Joint Secretariat BSR Interreg IIIB, Baltic University

22. Psarev Georgij

Head of branch «Co-operation with EU» Committee for External Affairs, St. Petersburg Administration 

23. Savushkina Natalia

Deputy Head of Economic Committee, Novgorod oblast

24. Selivanova Elena

Head of Department of Humanitarian Affairs, Committee of International Affairs, Arkhangelsk oblast’ Administration

25. Skorokhodov Vladimir

Expert of Regional Bureau EU TACIS Support, St Petersburg

26. Smirnova Natalia

First Vice-Chairman of Committee of Economy and Investments of Leningrad oblast, Head of Department of Territorial Development and Small Business Support

27. Khazova Elena

Executive Secretary of Expert Ñouncil on Economic Development and Investments, Staff of Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in North-West Federal Okrug (Saint-Petersburg)

28. Khodatchek Alexander 

Head of Department of regional and federal programs of exhibition association «RESTEK»

29. Chaplinskay Valentina


St-Petersburg Liaison Office
European Commission Delegation in Russia, Expert (Saint-Petersburg)

30. Churov Vladimir

Deputy Head of Committee of External Affairs, St. Petersburg Administration

31. Shljamin Valerij

Minister of Foreign Relations, Republic of Karelia; Association “North-West”, Head of Committee for External Economic Relations (Republic of Karelia)

32. Yalov Dmitrij

Project Manager "Region of active collaboration", "Center for Strategic Research" Foundation "North-West"»