
of a meeting of the Russian National Sub-committee for BSR Interreg III B Program

21 June 2002, Pushkin, Kochubey Palace


Participants: Avdeyev K. V., Aleksandrova Zh. V., Batchayev A. R., Belova E. G., Berezin M.P., Bessudnov A., Bolotov D. A., Butin V. S., Vladimirova T. N., Zaucha Ya., Ivanova E. G., Iogman L. G., Karelina I. A., Limonov L. E., Mikhailova N. V., Morozov V.À., Naryshkin S.Å., Oding N. Yu., Perelygin Yu. A., Plikhta M., Savushkina N.A., Selivanova E. L., Skorokhodov V.A., Kirnos E. A., Khazova E. V., Chaplinskaya V. R., Shlyamin V. A., Yalov D. A.


Presiding: RNSC co-chairs
Avdeyev K. V., Head of the External Economic Cooperation Department of the St. Petersburg Administration’s External Relations Committee,
Naryshkin S. E., Chairman of the Leningrad Oblast Government Committee for External Economic Activities and International Relations

I. Round table.  Discussion of the concept of the Northwest District approach to cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region.


Speakers:  Karelina I. A., Mr. Jacek Zaucha, Mrs. Marta Plichta, Chaplinskaya V. R., Khazova E. V., Iogman L. G., Berezin M.P., Perelygin Yu. A., Batchayev A. R., Avdeyev K. V., Shlyamin V. A., Oding N. Yu., Limonov L. E., Ivanova E. G., Aleksandrova Zh. V., Mikhailova N. V., Savushkina N.A., Selivanova E. L.


Decisions made: Prepare a final report on the round table proceedings (person in charge – Oding N. Yu., Leontief Centre). 

Present the round table conclusions at the next CSD VASAB 2010 meeting on 27 June 2002 in St. Petersburg (speaker - Oding N. Yu.)

Publish the document online in the relevant section of the RNSC web site  (in Russian and English).

Publish the round table proceedings (reports and presentations) online on the RNSC web site  (in Russian).


II. Discussion of the East-West Forum Project


Belova E. G.: Forum concept; preparation progress; finance mobilization scheme; plan for preparing an application to TACIS CBC (russian text of the presentation is attached).

Jacek Zaucha: CSD VASAB decision to include the forum as one of its 2002 agenda priorities; a necessity for the meeting of Russian northwest regions representatives to formulate a decision on the critical importance of participating in the forum, as well as on the amount of aid and participation expected from CSD VASAB 2010.

Debates: representatives from northwest regions (Aleksandrova Zh. V., Ivanova E. G., Mikhailova N. V., Savushkina N.A., and others).

Decision made: recognize the critical importance and necessity of participating in the East-West Forum. 

Representatives from northwest regions confirmed their willingness to participate in the preparation/submission of joint applications to TACIS Micro and TACIS CBC SPF.

The meeting decided to apply to CSD VASAB 2010: for political and financial support to the entire project, as well as to its specific elements (applications to TACIS and Interreg Programs);  for aid in selecting application partners and in project implementation; and for personal participation of CSD members in forum events.


III. Decisions on Russian National Sub-committee problems

1) Take into consideration the secretariat’s report. Express gratitude to the secretariat for timely information and consulting provided to RNSC members with respect to Interreg, TACIS, VASAB 2010, and other cooperation programs in the Baltic Sea Region. 

2) Hold the next meeting in late autumn 2002, when committee co-chair rotation is to take place.   RNSC members from Karelia and Archangel are to prepare suggestions on new co-chair candidatures. 

3) In order to improve the decision making procedure and provide for efficient RNSC support to projects,  the participants of planned projects should better substantiate the support required with an eye to Interreg priorities, as well as ensure joint support from partner countries.

4) RNSC members should take part in developing the content of the RNSC web site. They will send information about their own sites or useful links, as well as useful information for RNSC web site visitors (including texts in English for potential partners from Baltic Region countries).


Meeting chairman,

RNSC co-chair,

Chairman of the Leningrad Oblast Government 

Committee for External Economic Activities

and  International Relations                                                                   S.E. Naryshkin


RNSC Executive Secretary,

Director General of

ICSER Leontief Centre                                                                         I.À. Karelina