Project 4.06.02


The Meeting

Of Russian National Sub-Commitee

June 21th, 2002

St.Petersburg, Pushkin, Kotchubei Palace, ul. Radischeva, 4


The meeting is hold due to CSD/BSR VASAB 2010 decision of May 6th, 2002, Helsinki.


The main aim

Discussion of an issue of North-West Russia’ participation in collaboration in the field of Spatial Planning in Baltic Sea Region.


Issues to discuss:

  1. Participation experience of regions (power authority level, consultants) in collaboration – problems, progress (project participating, application presenting).

  2. In collaboration participation potencial from the standpoint of the regions, state authorities, researches, consultants, partners from Baltic Sea Region states. Specific tasks in Spatial development of North-West Russia regions, where partner participation of Baltic region is highly required in resolving; movement coordination and creative joint projects.

  3. What positive things collaboration provides with?(experience exchange in spatial issues’ decision). Is it fraught with any threats?


Results to expect

Conception methods for determination of North-West regions’ requirements in collaboration with the regions of neighbor countries –Baltic Sea Region states, perspectives and aims of prospective collaboration (result document will be prepared).



Members and observers of RNSC, experts, representatives from CSD/BSR VASAB 2010 and INTERREG IIIB



I.                Russia

1.    Participants of North-West Russia regions collaboration

2.    Region authorities

3.    Federal authorities

II.         Committee of Spatial Planning in Baltic Sea Region (CSD/BSR VASAB 2010)

Managerial organs of INTERREG III B Program

III.        Baltic Sea Regions States

1.    State representatives, responsible for the Spatial Planning

2.    Region and municipal authorities


Information spread ways of discussions’ decision:

  1. RNSC web-page

  2. Spread of newsletters

  3. Presentations for CSD VASAB 2010 meeting, seminars and conferences

Program Project

Tutors: Co-Chairmen of RNSC
Mr. K.V. Avdeev, Head of
External Economic Collaboration Department, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Saint-Petersburg Administration,
Mr. S.E.
Naryshkin , Chairman of the Committee for External Economic Activity and International Contacts, Government of Leningrad oblast.
I. Seminar
Participants: RNSC members and observers, experts, representatives of CSD/BSR VASAB 2010 and INTERREG IIIB
1) Discussion of conception, North-West Russia vision of collaboration in Baltic Sea Region
Presentations  (Round Table):
  • Mr. L.G. Iogman, Vice-governor of Vologda oblast, Economy Department

  • Mr.Yu. A. Perelygin, "Center for Strategic Research" Foundation

  • Mrs. N.Y Oding, Head of Research Department «Leontief Center», St.Petersburg

  • Mr. Wilfried Gormar, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Germany

  • Mr. Jacek Zaucha, Vice-Head of VASAB Secretariat, Poland

  • Mr. L.E. Limonov, Director - Program Coordinator «Leontief Centre», St.Petersburg

  • Mr. M.P. Berezin, Consultant of Invest and Building Projects Foundation

  • Mr. V.A. Shlyamin., Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Karelia

  • Mr. A.M.  Khodatchek,   conception author

  • North-West region representatives

Draft materials for discussions:
  1. VASAB +

  2. VISMAR Declaration

  3. INTERREG III B – Program Document

  4. Project Ideas, send to VASAB and INTERREG III B

  5. Leontief Readings – «Northern Dimension» (electronic version)

  6. East-West Forum

2) Discussion of East- West Forum Project
  • Mrs. Ĺ.G. Belova, Head of Development Department, «Leontief Centre», St. Petersburg

  • Mr. Jacek Zaucha, Vice-Head of VASAB Secretariat, Poland

Draft materials for discussions: Project Description
II.  Book presentation
Participants: RNSC members and observers, experts, representatives CSD/BSR VASAB 2010 and INTERREG IIIB
  • Mr. V.A. Shljamin., Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Karelia
  1. Discussion of RNSC Issues
Participants: RNSC members and observers
Issues to discuss:
  1. Secretariat and Co-chairmen conclusions

  2. Next RNSC meeting

  3. Recommendations – project support (discussion of making decision procedure about RNSC project support)