
Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee 
The fourth meeting with the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee was held in Tallinn, Estonia 16-17 December 2002.

The fourth meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee took place in Tallinn, Estonia on December 16-17, 2002    

The Fourth Meeting of the BSR Interreg III B Steering Committee was held in Tallinn, 16-17 December 2002 and it was chaired by Peder Baltzer Nielsen, Danish Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning Department. The following issues were presented at the meeting :

  • The outcome from the INTERREG IIC programme quality evaluation;

  • The results and the report from the second seed money applications call and plans for the third call;

  • Overview of the first and second application and assessment procedure;

  • JS’s proposal on including indicators in the application from as a test in order to further stress the need for clear outcome;

  • The proposal to simplify the definition of the final beneficiaries;

  • The aims and focus for the third Partner Search Forum in Gdansk, Poland, 15-17 June 2003. A specific focus will be discussed at the extra SC meeting in February;

  • Overview statistics of the submitted projects for the second round and the assessment procedure. Out of 37 projects submitted one project did not pass the formal eligibility check. One project withdrew its application. The Joint Secretariat proposed 12 projects that passed the quality assessment. The Russian project partners are indicated in 9 approved projects.

Decisions of the BSR INTERREG Steering Committee made at the Fourth Meeting:  

  • To open the 4th call for project application on 17 February 2003 and close 14 March 2003;

  • Third application round for seed money facility will open 3 February and close 3 March 2003;

  • The extra SC meeting will take place in Helsinki on 14 February 2003, next SC meeting on decision on projects will take place on Åland, 2-3 June 2003.


Seed Money - Second application round closed

The second call for Seed Money applications was closed 1 September 2002. On the 16 October 2002, on behalf of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee, the Joint Secretariat made the decisions on applications of the second call for seed money projects. After eligibility check and assessment, 9 out of 12 applications were approved. Among approved projects there is the one with Russian partnership – COASTMAN.

More information on approved seed money projects can be found in the Seed Money section at www.bsrinterreg.net/projects.html.

The next call for seed money applications is expected to be open 3 February and closed 3 March 2003.


Third Call for project applications closed

The third call of the BSR INTERREG III B programme was closed on 1 October 2002 with 37 applications submitted requesting over EUR 33 M (incl. EUR 3.5 M by the Norwegian partners) from BSR INTERREG III B funds.

36 applications that passed the eligibility check will now go through the quality assessment. In carrying out this task, the secretariat will receive assistance from a group of six independent experts that had been exclusively contracted for this purpose.

The table shows this round’s partner participation per country:


Partners: 80 30 100 180 94 2 36 25 34 46 44 679
Lead Partners: 7 3 6 20 0 - - - - - - 36


Decisions on projects will be made at the Steering Committee Meeting on 16-17 December 2002 in Tallinn, Estonia. The next call for applications is expected in April 2003.


New internet address for BSR INTERREG III B & JS    

BSR INTERREG III B programme has new internet domain name: bsrinterreg.net. Therefore new address of homepage is www.bsrinterreg.net. E-mail addresses for employees of Joint Secretariat are following: name.surname@bsrinterreg.net.
Attention! Old internet address
www.spatial.baltic.net and old e-mail addresses (name.surname@spatial.baltic.net) will still be working.
If you have any question concerning the change of addresses please do not hesitate to contact Mr Darijus Valiucko (+49 381 45484 5277),


Third call for project applications within BSR Interreg III B closed

The third call of the BSR INTERREG III B programme was closed 1 October 2002. By this date 37 applications were received that now will go through the eligibility check and quality assessment. 


Seed Money  – deadlines for the 3rd call

Deadlines for the third call for Seed Money project applications are September 1st 2002 and March 2003.

Fall of 2002 

The 3rd  RNSC Meeting

The third meeting of the Russian National Sub-Committee of BSR Interreg IIIB Programme will be held in fall of 2002

 Fall 2002

CEEC/NIS New version
PHARE CBC áþäæåò 2001 – The application and the Guidelines for Small Project Fund and Grant Scheme of Phare CBC are in the process of final approval by the national delegations of European Commission (four countries). Each country is supposed to receive 3 000 000 EURO. Deadline for the PHARE CBC application call in Latvia (budget 2000) will be on June 3rd, 2002.

Decisions on PHARE CBC projects (budget 2000), submitted in February and March of 2002, are not available yet.

Decision on TACIS CBC projects, submitted in March of 2002 is expected in fall of 2002.

Press release on  Interreg Programme in Northern Europe (Brussels, 19 February 2002 )