Approved Interreg III B projects with Russian participation, which have Internet-pages
Name of the project |
Links |
Partnership |
Problem to be addressed |
Expected outcome |
Approximate total project budget | ERDF + Norwegian National contribution |
South Baltic Arc | |
Germany, Russia, Latvia, Poland |
Low growth dynamics caused by insufficient
pan-regional cooperation and |
Harmonised regional
development concepts and strategies Ø Recommendations for
methodology for infrastructure planning Ø Ready-to-implement
regional development measures for infrastructure |
EUR 1,708,225 | EUR 587,418 | ||||
VBNDZ - Via Baltica Nordica Development Zone | | Finland, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia (national & regional auth., municipalities, ministries, associations, univ., found.) | Negative impact of development trends on socio-economic and environmental aspects. Low level of awareness of zone's own identity. Various stages of development of the regions in the zone |
Ø Increased awareness, stronger identity
and co-operation in the VBNDZ
Ø Information and guidance systems for tourism and railway traffic Ø Multimodal transport solutions for easy and safe travelling Ø Sustainable management and development of tourism attractions Ø Information and planning systems, and methodologies for GIS/Internet systems |
EUR 4,434,100 | EUR 2,077,297 | ||||
The Baltic Palette II | | Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (regional and local authorities, research institutes, water protection associations) | Differences in the development levels of the EU countries and non-EU countries, unsustainable spatial structures, inefficient transport and communication systems, unbalanced settlement |
Ø Strengthened
position of the Baltic Palette Region in the EU and globally Ø
Introduction of non-EU members to EU standards and policies Ø
Increased ability to plan sustainable polycentric spatial structures Ø
Strategies for implementing transport corridor networks Ø
Network of water quality protection organisations in the Baltic Palette
Region Ø Market analysis and product development for tourism structures, urban sprawl and sea water pollution |
EUR 2,233,350 | EUR 929,700 | ||||
Seagull – DevERB | |
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia (regional authorities,
municipalities, associations, public corporations, universities,
Disparities between the
member regions; social, economic and environmental |
Ø Joint
Transnational Development Programme (JTDP) setting long-term strategy for Ø
Development programmes for rural areas in the ERB Ø
Statistics and GIS support, seminars and workshops on Good Governance,
tools for |
EUR 3,230,905 | EUR 1,300,440 | ||||
Bothnian Arc – ACTion | |
Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Russia |
Weak region's tourism profile and competence. Low region's recognition |
Ø Plans for
development of tourism infrastructure Ø
Marketing strategy for a new tourism concept "Arctic coastal and
archipelago Ø
Platform for using mobile IT in tourism & indicators to measure
sustainable Ø
Increased recognition of Bothnian Arc Ø
Concrete plans for networks of tourist routes, cycle trails, ice roads
and |
EUR 1,350,444 | EUR 644,956 | ||||
PIPE – Particip. Identity Planning Entrepre | |
Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia |
Marginalisation of regions situated in peripheral areas. Low entrepreneurial and community spirit among the inhabitants |
Ø Promotion of
young entrepreneurs Ø
Conferences, workshops, innovation camps for young people, teachers and Ø
Involvement of young people in regional decision-making Ø
Strengthened regional identity for international competitiveness Ø Creation and implementation of local action plans in all case areas |
EUR 2,106,810 | EUR 912,000 | ||||
MECIBS - Medium Sized Cities in
Dialogue | |
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, |
Unbalanced spatial development of medium sized cities that lag behind the capitals and suffer from restructuring of their basic urban functions |
Ø Network of cities
with a potential for learning by exchange of experience Ø
Recommendations on local strategies and regional policies (national/EU) Ø
Conferences facilitated by researchers and consultants Ø
A number of urban biographies of medium sized cities outside the national
core |
EUR 2,940,748 | EUR 1,580,374 | ||||
SEBTrans-Link | |
Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Russia |
Underdevelopment of
SEBTrans transport corridor, with focus on the North-South |
Ø Intermodal
break-point system Ø
Preparation of investments, e.g. missing links along the corridor Ø
Expansion of labour markets across the borders Ø
Stimulation of business development Ø
Actions to improve accessibility in the road-, rail and sea transport
networks Ø Promotion of the development of sustainable transport systems |
EUR 2,260,200 | EUR 935,100 | ||||
RANE - Rock Art in Northern Europe | |
Denmark, Finland, Sweden,
Norway, Russia |
Rock Art threatened by the modern way of life |
Ø An information
programme to increase awareness of Rock Art (Internet, TV, Ø
Damage and environment monitoring programme Ø
Tools and programmes for sustainable management of Rock Art Ø
Ground for and elements of tourism infrastructure Ø
Increased sustainable cultural tourism Ø Documentation programme (e.g. photos, descriptions) |
EUR 3,999,720 | EUR 1,599,888 | ||||
BSVC - Baltic Sea Virtual Campus | |
Finland, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia
Need for lifelong academic
education and professional training for the whole |
Unified Systems Platform - technical e-learning platform Ø
Academic Structure - "Baltic Sea Virtual Campus" consortium,
setup of common Ø
Dissemination, among universities in the BSR, of the knowledge how to run Ø On-line Master degree programme "Transregional management" |
EUR 3,349,000 | EUR 1,424,500 | ||||
Eco Forum Baltica | |
Sweden, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, Russia |
Development and know-how
on Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in |
Ø Tools for
transfer of know-how on EMS/Waste management (handbook, website, Ø
EMAS/EMS bodies in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania & Poland Ø
Generation of EUR 3 million investments Ø Network for co-operation of environmental managers |
EUR 1,060,000 | EUR 380,000 | ||||
Metropolitan Areas+ | |
Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Poland, Russia |
Imbalance in growing capital regions between metropolises and outskirts |
Ø professional- and
action-related transn. network for horizontal and vertical transfer Ø
definition of investor’s criteria for allocation and polycentric
marketing of functional Ø
strategic action plan of political level for transnational and regional
co-operation |
EUR 1,938,618 | EUR 922,500 | ||||
STBR - sustainable transport in
the Barents Region | |
Sweden, Norway, Russia
Inadequate transport system in the Barents Region |
Ø database for the
transport network, services and improvement needs in the Ø
traffic forecasts analysis for the region (regional trends of transport,
as well as Ø
single transport system, which covers the entire Region in a balanced way Ø
permanently strengthened interregional and cross-sectoral co-operation Ø
a follow-up mechanism to ensure implementation of national programs in a
proper |
EUR 2,572,070 | EUR 1,419,763 | ||||
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia
Need for sustainable
transport concepts in the Southern BSR (S-BSR) to meet the |
Ø position paper to
clarify the future Gateway role of the S-BSR in European context Ø
transnational view on a revised TEN/TINA/PETN network Ø
comprehensive plan for a primary transport network for S-BSR to develop
more Ø
investment plans (rail link in Skåne, ferry link Gedser-Rostock, a
part of the E22) Ø
practical examples of how to use IT to improve efficiency and safety in
the |
EUR 2,741,600 | EUR 1,140,500 | ||||
Big Lakes II | |
Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Russia |
Slow development of the Big Lakes regions (comparing to the metropolitan areas) |
Ø Identification
and report of cultural and natural heritage objects/factors in the Big Ø
Big Lakes C&N heritage strategy as a tool for spatial planning and
regional development Ø
several small-scale infrastructure investments for future development Ø
Big Lakes network, information dissemination by new mobile technology Ø new products for tourism attractiveness |
EUR 2,050,533 | EUR 895,554 | ||||
Advantage Hardwood | |
Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia |
Inadequate structure for
joint environmental actions and efficient co-operation |
Ø defined
environmental benefits of planting broad-leaved trees and use of hardwood Ø
concepts for sustainable management broad-leaved trees and its
integration in a Ø
training programs, pilot projects (e.g. establishment of forest paths) Ø
established strategic alliances between hardwood producers Ø planning models based on ESDP adapted for regional use and rural development |
EUR 2,220,910 | EUR 831,705 | ||||
BERNET Integrated Management of
Catchments | |
Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden,
Estonia, Poland, Russia |
The need for improvement
of the overall water quality of the Baltic Sea through a |
Ø developing Water
District Plans for selected catchments according to the WFD Ø
preparing the implementation of the WFD Ø
developing tools and testing the EU “ecological” guidelines Ø
disseminating the results of the pilot implementation Ø platform for future co-operation on sustainable management of the aquatic enviroment |
EUR 1,463,450 | EUR 617,675 | ||||
Baltic University Urban Forum | |
Finland, Sweden, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia |
Increased demand for
better housing and living conditions. Need for actions that |
Ø network between
cities, towns, and universities for sustainable urban development Ø
demonstration projects on sustainability techniques Ø
specialists reports Ø
number of professionals with improved professional competence in dealing
with |
EUR 1,610,000 | EUR 450,000 | ||||
EUROBALTIC Programme for Civil
Protection | |
Denmark, Finland, Sweden,
Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia |
Need to improve the
mechanisms and institutions to deal with various environmental |
Ø assessment and
mapping of risks for preventive strategies in spatial planning Ø
improved policies for the involvement of citizens in risk management Ø
transnational, cross-sectoral and multi-level cooperation between
authorities Ø
compatible IT support systems in the BSR Ø transnational training programme in the field of civil protection |
EUR 1,540,895 | EUR 442,250 | ||||
Barents 2010 | |
Sweden, Norway, Russia |
Out migration of the young people from the region |
Ø Long term
Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents co-operation Ø
Analysis of specific problems for the development Ø
proposals for improvement of water quality and biodiversity Ø Internet based information system |
EUR 2,050,000 | EUR 1,183,000 | ||||
North East Cargo Link | |
High traffic congestion in the southern part of the Baltic Sea |
Ø strategy for
Intermodality in the Mid-Nordic Corridor Ø
Development of alternative traffic corridor from Russia to UK/Continent Ø
Internet portal for freight and business Ø market and goods flow studies |
EUR 2,705,198 | EUR 1,695,091 | ||||
Germany, Finland, Sweden,
Lithuania, Poland, Russia |
Inability of the transport
system to cope with the expected substantial increase in |
Ø Common strategy
in the BSR for inland waterway development Ø
Database on inland waterways and routes Ø
Socio economic and environmental justification of Inland Waterway
Infrastructure Ø Studies (on: modal shift to inland navigation, environment, tourism development) |
EUR 1,036,200 |
EUR 544, |
ProMidNord | |
Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia |
The difficulties of
business development in the Northern regions of low population |
Ø Joint strategy
for the macro-region Ø
A network of the major cities Ø
Increased cooperation and business within environmental and energy fields Ø
Research school and student exchange program Ø Increased understanding of the cultural identity and heritage |
EUR 3,461,526 | EUR 2,267,527 | ||||
Sweden, Denmark, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia |
The conflicting interests
and goals as well as environmental pollution in the Baltic Sea |
Ø A set of
recommended methods and guidelines for conflict resolution in coastal Ø
A web based course on conflict resolution in CZM Ø
Improved practical skills for the stakeholders in methods for conflict
resolution Ø
Information exchange platform on the web Ø Published handbook on conflict resolution |
EUR 1,497,000 | EUR 602,500 | ||||
BaSIM | |
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden |
The physical and
communication barriers and bottlenecks concerning Baltic Sea |
Ø New standardized
ICT architecture for transport and logistics Ø
Telematic supported solutions for new processes and procedures on safety
and security
in ports and supply chains Ø Innovative maritime transport corridor concepts and strategies |
EUR 1,824,000 | EUR 1,011,000 | ||||
Baltic Cruise Project 2004-2007 | |
Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Russia |
Uneven quality level, the
lack of cooperation and coordination as well as the lack of |
Ø Integration of
cruise sector in spatial development strategies Ø
Common cruise standards for ports Ø
Plans for infrastructure investments Ø
Common brand for BSR cruise destinations Ø Common promotion channel for cruise cities of the BSR |
EUR 1,134,000 |
EUR 671,00 |
InLoC | |
Finland, Germany, Denmark,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Russia |
The need for more integrated and sustainable transport and communication links |
Ø Improved
co-operation of ports, logistics centers and other actors in logistic
chains Ø
Improved port-hinterland connections based on dry port concept Ø
Better marketing of the logistics centers Ø
Better integration of logistics aspects in spatial planning processes Ø ICT-solutions for transport and logistics networks |
EUR 1,867,600 | EUR 1,023,825 | ||||
Finland, Denmark, Estonia,
Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland,
Sweden, |
The lack of understanding of ecological processes and sustainable development |
Ø A Nature Centre
Strategy for BSR Ø
New methods of planning, implementation and co-operation concerning
nature Ø
National and BSR networks between nature centres and environmental
interpreters Ø Training programs for environmental interpreters |
EUR 3,273,886 | EUR 1,889,920 | ||||
FEM | |
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Russia, Belarus |
The structural disadvantages for setting up of business by women |
Ø Improved
infrastructure and partnership towards promoting women Ø
A network of advisors and training programs for advisors Ø
Best practices in mentorship Ø New models of practical internationalisation |
EUR 2,174,840 | EUR 1,356,733 | ||||
BSB | |
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, |
Unnecessary oil spills
from motor boats, waste disposal from fishing and leisure craft |
Ø Network of
ecologically friendly marinas and their users Ø
Raising awareness: new study courses for regional fishermen/seamen on
marine Ø Pilot studies on boat washes and bio fuel to improve marina’s infrastructure |
EUR 2,724,504 | EUR 1,490,703 | ||||
BaltMetInno | |
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Sweden and Russia |
The challenge to unlock
unused potentials in innovation creation and business |
Ø metropolitan
innovation strategies integrating urban policy and spatial Ø
selected metropolises' marketing strategies Ø
development concepts for transnationally complementary economic clusters Ø joint innovation policy framework |
EUR 2,651,244 | EUR 1,612,354 | ||||
Baltic Tangent | |
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Poland and
Russia |
Remote location of the
area concerned to main traffic arteries and centres |
Ø Pre-conditions
and options for the development of the area as a secondary Ø
transnational transport infrastructure strategy Ø partnership and an activity plan for effective implementation of the results |
EUR 2,077,300 |
EUR 1,207,45 |
BBDN | |
Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden,
Estonia, |
The underdeveloped SME
sector in the BSR among new EU countries and in certain |
Ø Virtual Baltic
Development Agency based on an IT-supported functional network between Ø Regional access points, which offer full services to the SME's Ø Common BSR-standards for business plans Ø
Course ”Business Guide to the Baltic Sea Region” about the BSR
focusing on the 9 partner Ø A comparative research study and new proposals about the further dev of BBDN |
EUR 2,000,000 | EUR 1,237,500 | ||||
B-SME | |
Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Estonia, |
Weak SME support networks in BSR |
Ø A sustainable
network of regional development authorities, chambers and other Ø A specific Baltic training programmes |
EUR 3,008,000 | EUR 2,014,500 |