Improvement of Management Capacity for Sustainable Development of Demonstration Cities Vyborg and Kirishi in Leningrad Region and Transfer of the Experience in the Russian Federation (Sustainable Leningrad Region Programme Phase II)

Brief project description

The Sustainable Leningrad Region Programme Phase II will build on the results and analyses of the 1998/99 implemented project "Sustainable Development of Human Settlements in Leningrad Region". The programme will focus on three key components namely:

  1. Support to environmental strategy/action planning, resource mobilisation and implementation of action plans in two demonstration municipalities (Vyborg and Kirishi);

  2. Tailoring of UNCHS (Habitat) training materials (local leadership and EPM/SCP) for developing packages and undertaking training for local authority leaders and staff, and for urban practitioners based on methodologies proposed by the UN Centre for Human Settlements;

  3. Replications of the two demonstrations in other municipalities in the Region and of the Russian Federation, including using the adapted training materials. The components will link with elements of the Habitat urban governance campaign contributing in areas such as illustrative cities, and governance index, declaration on norms and tool kit.

The project strategy follows directly from the basic objectives of the project and encompasses the following strategic elements:

- Sustainable development focus;
- Local orientation;
- New approaches to Urban and environmental management;
- Focus on improving local capabilities;
- A broad based participatory framework.

Contact information

Mr. Schitinsky Vladimir A.,
Manager of the project, Director of the Russian State Institute of Urbanistics for Research and Design, the Member-correspondent of German Academy of urban and ground developmentThe Russian State Institute of Urbanistics for Research and Design:
Russia, 196191, St. Petersburg, Basseinaya str., 21
Tel.: 7 812 290 10 23;
Tel/fax 7 812 290 11 76;