Strategy and action programme for balanced spatial development of the Kaliningrad oblast (in conjunction with a proposed Interreg IIIB project SAPPHIRE ARC - Strategy and action programme for developing a South-Baltic region)

Regions(participants of the project)

Potential partners: Telemark County, Norway (to be confirmed);
Southern Swedish regions (to be confirmed); Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Brief project description

Overall goal for SAPPHIRE Kaliningrad is mobilisation of development potentials in the Kaliningrad region through:

  • consistent (cross-sector) strategy and framework for action;
  • inter-regional integration, based on simultaneous improvement of physical links and of wide ranging cooperation.

The objective of SAPPHIRE Kaliningrad is to provide spatial structure conditions for sustainable-balanced development in the Kaliningrad region.

To develop a spatial development strategy the following tasks are envisaged to be performed:

  1. Inventory and assessment of derelict areas having become out of use (requiring new functional assignment): location, extension, previous use, potential and existing barriers, environmental impact assessment of different future uses;

  2. Inventory of existing project proposals regarding economic development, infrastructure, environment, urban development;

  3. Identification of main factors determining on required future spatial development;

  4. Identification of economical, natural and spatial development concepts in neighbouring regions and countries; assessment of synergy potentials;

  5. Discussion of alternatives for future spatial structural development of the Kaliningrad region, indicating recommended locations for envisaged industrial, infrastructure, agriculture, tourism and other projects;

  6. Proposal for priority development measures to support the desired spatial development compatible with development in neighboring regions and countries (considering networking concepts as developed in the SAPPHIRE project for the whole South Baltic region).

Contact information

Mr. Veniamin G. Eremeev,
member of the International Committee on Spatial Development of the Baltic Sea Region (CSD-BSR) for Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast), Kaliningrad oblast Administration
Tel. / fax: 7 0112 27 25 75;