Project title
Increasing Effectiveness of Territorial Strategic Planning
Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)
Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development
(settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)
Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development
Lead applicant
Contact person
Boris S. Zhikharevich, dr. of Sc., Prof., Head of Strategic Planing Department of Leontief Centre
Izmaylovskii pr., 14, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Thematic key words
Spatial planning strategies, regional cooperation, investment strategies, city marketing, real estate management
Project description
The proposed project could include the following stages:
Forming a network of 8-15 regions practicing strategic planning on both regional and city levels;
Holding an inception conference to share the regions’ general experiences in strategic planning implementation;
Selecting areas, where each of the regions has achieved best results, e.g.:
Statement of objectives and mission formulation; mechanisms for mobilising stakeholders and NGOs to participate in strategic economic planning as a basis for implementing private and public investment projects; city marketing and mobilisation of external investments; development monitoring and specific industry development forecasts; economic strategies for cities with mono-specialisation; investment strategies for reviving city sites with acute environmental problems; reconciliation between regional and city programmes; coordination of city strategic planning on regional and interregional levels; spatial planning strategies; municipal real estate
management; specific types of investment projects; infrastructure development projects.
Preparing reports on each region’s experience in the specific areas above and taking additional research efforts to confirm the efficiency of methods used;
Establishing a WWW-site for strategic planning experience sharing;
Holding a series of workshops (10-12 workshops in all) in each participating region to discuss the strategic planning area in which a given region has shown its best performance;
Publishing each workshop’s proceedings to be included into the final volume to be entitled "Best Strategic Planning Practices in the Baltic Sea Region";
Holding a final conference.
The duration of the programme – 3 years.
Central objectives
The main project goal is to improve understanding and increase the role of strategic planning in managing sustainable development and economic growth in the Baltic Sea region. In the last two years strategic planning has become fairly popular with Russian cities and regions. However, effective planning in Russia is hampered by the lack of experience. In many cases the planers underestimate the importance of spatial planning or intra-, and inter-region cooperation. One should note, though, that EC countries’ regions also show mixed results in strategic planning development, despite the proven fact that strategic planning is so far the best instrument of sustainable regional growth.
Expected benefits
Interregional cooperation in comparing notes on strategic planning development could be both beneficial and fruitful for a number of regions in the North-west of Russia, as well as in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, and Great Britain.This project can be of special importance for St. Petersburg, as it is preparing to update its strategic plan for the city’s 300th anniversary in 2003 and is striving to strengthen its position as
an organising centre in the North-west of Russia and the Baltic Region.
Partners found already
North-West regions of Russia: St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, Archangelsk Oblast,Pskov Oblast, and the Republic of Karelia.
Partners searched
The regions of other countries of Baltic Sea region – regions in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany.
Estimated budget
Date of filling in the form