Project title

East-West Spatial Planning Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)  

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)  

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development  

Lead applicant


Contact person

Irina Karelina, Leontief Centre

Elena Belova, Leontief Centre



6b Antonenko per., St. Petersburg 190000, Russia


+7 (812) 314-41-19,319-96-26


+7 (812) 319-98-14

Thematic key words

Spatial planning, sustainable development, technical assistance

Project description

The proposed project – East-West Spatial Planning Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region – will involve all BSR countries and representatives of regional and local authorities from the North-West of Russia. Forum will work as an arena for exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of spatial planning and sustainable development to stimulate partnerships and increase the possibilities for co-operation and networking between North-West regional authorities and BSR countries.


  • holding consultation process through working meetings, partner search conferences and training workshops;

  • publication of methodological and presentation materials, promoting EU Spatial Integration Programs in the North-West regions of Russia;  

  • setting up Internet site which will provide access to policy documents, case studies, projects, working materials of Russian INTERREG III B sub-committee, Committee on Spatial Development (CSD-BSR), INTERREG III B Programme and other relevant sources of information. It will also collect process and present relevant information about North-West Regions of Russia and maintain databases on priority projects and project ideas for co-operation from Russian partners;  

  • launching BSR spatial data infrastructure (SDI) in North-West of Russia, dissemination of SDI technologies (conference on municipal GIS for BSR countries).

Central objectives

The Forum goal is to stimulate a dialogue between BSR countries and North-West Regions of Russia. The Forum aims to develop effective framework conditions that will:  

  • provide an exchange of experience in spatial planning policy making and stimulate partnerships between Russian officials, experts and European counterparts, and representatives of donor programs and agencies;  

  • enhance the understanding of VASAB 2010 Plus and current EU Spatial Integration Programs by presenting concrete projects, cases (i.e. good practices);  

  • identify priority areas of technical assistance and partnerships for future co-operation projects, increase the knowledge of Russian partners about options and ways of their involvement into INTERREG Program;  

  • support the elaboration of the common Russian INTERREG projects.  


Expected benefits

The expected benefits of the Forum:  

  • enhanced capacity of a group of North-West Officials and experts on spatial policy related matters;  

  • identified priority areas of technical assistance and partnerships for future projects through concertation of VASAB 2010 PLUS with Russia, Belorussian, Estonian and Finish regional authorities and other Baltic stakeholders;  

  • professional links, networking among Russian and foreign participants and their institutions, exploiting advanced Internet technologies  

  • identification of the spatial projects contributing to the Northern Dimension with Russia, Belorussian, Estonian and Finish regional authorities and other Baltic stakeholders.  


Partners found already

Belarus and Russia (St. Petersburg City, Leningrad oblast, Murmansk  oblast,  Archangelsk oblast, Pskov oblast;  Kaliningrad oblast, Republic of  Karelia, Novgorod oblast)

Partners searched

EU: Finland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway;

CEC: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland

Estimated budget

Interreg III B – 500,000 Euro,
Phare – 250,000 Euro
Tacis CBC Programme – 250,000 Euro.

Date of filling in the form
