Project title

Information Exchange Channel of the City of St.-Petersburg


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development

Lead applicant

Baltic Research Centre

Contact person

Boris Isaev, Alexander Melnikov



193019, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Obvodny emb. 24A, office 104


+7 812 3265815


+7 812 3265815

Thematic key words

Networking, Information exchange, eSkills, eCommerce, eGovernment, eEnviroment

Project description

The City of St.-Petersburg is the largest city in the Baltic Region and the main gateway for the European part of Russia. Today Russia opens its information space. Main principles of the new Russian information policy are represented in the "Electronic Russia" Federal program which covers all aspects being significant for the European society: high-speed research networks, ICT Security, eSkills, eCommerce, eGovernment, eEnviroment. One of the main goals of this program is to organize information exchange with foreign countries, first of all, with the cross-border states.

Therefore Committee for External Affairs of Administration of Saint Petersburg together with Baltic Research Centre (St.-Petersburg) has promoted the initiative on creating of the “Information Exchange Channel of the City of St.-Petersburg” to enable Russian and foreign citizens to get information about all projects, programs (INTERREG, TACIS) and business activity in St.-Petersburg region and Northwest of Russia via Internet, regional TV and other mass-media.

These actions will help Russian people to understand the mission and vision of European initiatives on creating open information society. Except the above mentioned these actions enable foreign people to get information on current situation, prospects of development of St. Petersburg and Northwest region.

Central objectives

Start-up the Information Exchange Channel between the City of St.-Petersburg and the Baltic sea states.

Expected benefits

Creating open information society in the Baltic Sea region

Partners found already

Committee for External Affairs, Administration of Saint-Petersburg

Partners searched

BSR countries

Estimated budget

1 million EURO

Date of filling in the form
