Project title

“World Through Child’s Eyes”


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development

Lead applicant


Contact person

Pavlov Sergey, Mchenskaja Olga and Georgy Psarev

E-mail  and




St.Petersburg, Socialisticheskaja str., 5 and SPb City Administration


812-113 32 65 and 812 - 274 16 84


812-113 32 65 and 274 16 84

Thematic key words

ecology, social adaptation, cultural and natural heritage, traditions, transcultural children's connections

Project description

The project is conducted under the general motto – “ From ecology of the soul to the ecology of the Earth”.

The main aim of the project - assistance in education of children and youth in the traditions of the national cultures and their introductions to over the world cultural traditions

Central objectives

  1. Popularization of the children’s creation in sphere of the artistic photo- works.

  2. Social and psychological support of creatively talanted children and youth, especially from socially vulnerable sections of the population and children who have problems in development and social adaptation.

  3. Development of intercomprehension through creation of children and youth of different countries and peoples. Education of the socially-matured members of the society who are not indifferent to the problems of surrounding world.

Expected benefits

  1. Organization of the International creative camps for children - the participants of our  joined International project: conduct of the creative seminar-meetings for children - prize winners of the regional exhibitions and specialists : leaders of the children’s photo-schools, social officials, psychologists and pedagogues, working in the sphere of the children’s culture and development, representatives of charitable and  voluntary funds and organizations, journalists etc.

  2. Organization and conduct of the joint International travelling exhibitions of the best children’s photo-works in the cities of the countries - participants of the project due to the results of the regional stages of the contest named “World through child’s eyes”.

  3. The foundation of the International Children’s art center can help in realization of the creative  projects, in exchange and conduct of the exhibitions of  the artistic children’s works, conduct of the united festivals, performances and art-tours of the children’s creative groups from different countries.

Partners found already


Partners searched

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Estimated budget


Date of filling in the form
