Project title
Good Governance in Baltic Sea Region
Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories
and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)
Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development
(settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)
Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development
Lead applicant
Contact person
Michael Gorny
198005, SPb, 7-Krasnoarmeiskaya 25/14 - 411
(812) 316-48-22
Thematic key words
Good Governance, public participation, transparent procedures
Project description
The project seeks to analyse and define the procedures that take place within the government administration and during elections in order to make these procedures transparent. Transparency is the central element in the prevention of corruption.
Seminars both in Russian regions (St.Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Pskov) and Baltic states will be oganised and conducted. The main topics at these seminars are expected to be the follows: legal acts and procedures which regulate both budget and electiral processes in Baltic states and in Russian regions, practices of implementation an recommendations to improve these practices.
Research reports will be published and disseminated.
Central objectives
The overall project objective is the promotion of good governance in Baltic Sea Region both in Russia and Baltic states through transparent public administration particularly by supporting administrative accountability and prevention corruption and optimisation of budget and electoral processes.
Other objective is to improve an efficiency of public participation in the decision making processes by adoption of correspondent legal acts.
Expected benefits
Regional and local administrations will obtaine good skills of social and regional order, social and regional grant, anti-corruption activity - as a result, level of corruption will decline
Deputies of regional and local bodies will obtain more real information on budget and electoral processes, as a result of free and fair election practice the quality of of deputies and their activities will be improved.
NGOs will be more organised, concrete improvement of NGOs through social and regional order competition is expexted also.
Partners found
School of Government and Democracy (Lithuania), Danish NGO "Dialogue Development"
Partners searched
Estimated budget
45.000 - 50.000 USD
Date of filling in the form