Project title
Marketing strategy of Leningrad Oblast region
Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories
and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)
Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development
(settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)
Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development
Lead applicant
Committee for External Economic Relations, Leningrad Oblast Government, Russia
Contact person
Valery Funtov
funtov@imisp.spb.ru, ppvalery@hotmail.com
Suvorovsky pr, 67, 193311, St. Petersburg, Russia
+7-812-2744742, +7-812-9617942
Thematic key words
Region marketing, communication, promotion of territories, trade
Project description
The integration of the Leningrad Oblast Region into Baltic Sea market means its integration in a common market system. Leningrad Oblast is not enough promoted in the Baltic Sea Region despite of the large set of its business advantages and opportunities. Amongst main reasons are: weak Region awareness in Baltic Sea countries, insufficient information and service support for international business co-operation; the lack of marketing knowledge and understanding among public sectors and SMEs. Due to these facts the Baltic Sea business often hesitate opening up business relations with Leningrad Oblast. The information they receive does not meet the standards of the European practice and culture and more often does not correspond with updated situation. One of the most effective way is the development of
regional marketing concept and tools, which is quite a new activity for Russian territories.
Central objectives
Central objectives are to invent and implement regional marketing concept of Leningrad Oblast based on European standards. This will be achieved through short and long term actions. On a short term basis - the development of information marketing material about regional business opportunities, special training and consultancy for local authorities and relevant circles on region promotion questions; support of regional promotional actions in region and Baltic Sea countries, increasing international contacts and communications, implementation of Internet marketing tools, development of local institutions responsible for regional marketing, development of official marketing programme.On a long term basis, the project will favour export potential and investment climate in Leningrad Oblast, make international
co-operation easier and effective. Through closed co-operation of authorities in the countries involved the local rules, regulations and services can be adapted to the international standards to favour international business relations between companies.
Expected benefits
Expected benefits for Leningrad Oblast - strengthening positive Leningrad Oblast business image, agreed and European standardised regional promotional strategy, increasing export/import figures, creation of information marketing resources, increasing number of new foreign comers to the Region, informational transparency of the Region business opportunities. Expected benefits for Baltic Sea Partners - joint promotion of the regions, strengthening links between Russian and foreign authorities, joint informational transparency, increasing economic and trade co-operation, increasing export/import figures, updated and complete information about Leningrad Oblast, more simple procedure for entry to Leningrad Oblast, getting new contacts and expanding of network.
Partners found
Partners searched
Baltic Sea authorities
Estimated budget
200-300.000 EURO
Date of filling in the form
October 2001