Project title

European Quality Centre in Kaliningrad, Russia


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development

Lead applicant

Regional Development Agency, Kaliningrad

Contact person

Mr. A.Usanov





Ul.Geologicheskaya, 1, Kaliningrad, 236000, Russia


+7 0112 430851


+7 0112 536120

Thematic key words

Economic development, SME support, quality and ecological standards, quality management

Project description

Kaliningrad is a Russian exclave on the Baltic Sea. With the forthcoming EU enlargement, particularly as soon as Poland and Lithuania join the EU, the region will also become a Russian enclave in the united Europe. Stringent EU quality standards will present significant non-tariff barriers for Kaliningrad's companies intending to export to the EU market.  Coupled with high cost of transit to/from mainland Russia this may  put Kaliningrad economy in a difficult situation. One way to overcome the difficulties associated with the enlargement is to help Kaliningrad enterprises with adopting the EU quality standards and quality management systems. This experience may be later used en masse in other Russian regions and thus contribute to closer economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. The Kaliningrad RDA is establishing European Quality Centre in Kaliningrad to promote the best European practices in quality standards and management (including ecological aspect).       

Central objectives

To raise general level of quality management among Kaliningrad's companies

To disseminate information on the European quality standards

To promote the best European practices in ecological management

Expected benefits

Better opportunites for Kaliningrad's companies to export their products to the EU market

Introduction of the EU standards in Kaliningrad

Closer cooperation (more trade and investment) between Russian (first of all Kaliningrad) and European economies 

Partners found already


Partners searched

Certification authorities from the EU (and candidate) countries; consultants with experience in quality management

Estimated budget

300,000 EUR

Date of filling in the form