Project title

Solovki Islands - the Pearl of the Northern Europe.


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development

Lead applicant

Arkahngelsk Region Administration

Contact person

Svetlana Gorlanova




Trojitsky prospect,49 Arkhangelsk 163 061


+7 8182 64 67 50


+ 7 8182 26 92 03

Thematic key words

tourism development and nature and culture heritage reservation  in the specific territories of the European North.

Project description

Tourism development, nature and culture heritage reservation on Sololvki Islands.

It was discussed with some of the Barents Region partners to present mentioned project idea as a base for application for financial support from the Interreg IIIB programme to the above-mentioned project.

The main focus of the project is on the regional co-operation, as well as co-operation between central - and regional national levels. This project is aimed to unite and continue succesful co-operation  with Northern Counties in Norway and Sweden, as well as SIDA within the previous years.

The project in brief: Main objective is up-to-date infrustructure on Solovki Islands for planning and designing long term host tourism programmes for improved territorial integration of the Barents Region to the European tourist net. The proposals will focus on mutual concrete actions to be taken in order to improve the sustainable tourism development in the Northern Europe. Number of transnational pilot actions in the fields of environment, education, culture, information and youth are supposed, i.e. within the framework of the project components in communication, transport, energy saving, treatment works, training (especially in Marketing, Bussiness Planning, some professional issues for different groups of specialists) and music. All projects have already got certain national and/or regional financial support mostly or partially.

Estimated time for the project is two years (2003-2004).

Actual status of the project planning: Project  action plans in different components have been already developed by initiative local working groups.

Central objectives

Main objective is up-to-dated infrustrucure on Solovki Islands for planning and designing long term tourism programmes for improved territorial integration in the Northern Europe. The project will prepare a proper base for the future co-operation that leeds to a prosperous substainable development in the Northern Europe Regions.

Expected benefits

Improved opportunities (better invironment, accomodation, services) for  tourism development, increased local incomes.

Partners found already


Partners searched

Regions in the Barents Region, Northern Europe generally

Estimated budget

Seeking 2 million €

Date of filling in the form
