Project title

Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents Region up to 2010/Barents 2010

Lead Partner

The County Administration of Vasterbotten, SE

Contact person

Eilert Carlson






+46 90 10 73 35



Problem to be addressed:

The Barents Region compiles of four states, thirteen regions and several ethnic groups with great variations in culture, economy etc but as well with many common problems. The decrease in population in almost all the counties of the Barents Region is escalating and the most alarming fact is that the young generation is leaving the region. The range of options for and barriers to integration across the state borders as well as borders between the regions need to be analysed. There are many organised co-operation activities and several programmes financed by EU (Interreg, Tacis), Nordic Council of Ministers, and national aid organisations. However, all these are missing sufficient data for preparing long-term strategies for the co-operation. A Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents co-operation will therefore be developed.

Specific problems for the development of the industry in the region, focusing on the Forestry, Minerals and Offshore sector, will be analysed in one of the Pilot Actions proposed. The lack of co-operation between the universities in the Region should be analysed and proposals for improvement presented. Problems with Transport and Infrastructure will be analysed in close co-operation with the INTERREG III B Baltic Sea project on Sustainable transports in the Barents region. Problems concerning water quality and biodiversity should be highlighted and proposals for improvement presented. Exchange of available information has proved to be a problem in practice. By introducing and Internet based Information system, the co-ordination of Barents co-operation activities between regional-, national-, and trans-national levels should be improved and thereby increase efficiency and save resources.

Central objectives:

The creation of a long-term Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents co-operation is the central objective of the project. In parallel with the development of the Strategy and Action Plan, a number of Pilot Actions will be executed. These Pilot Actions will interact and serve as input to the Plan. Successful Pilot Actions will also be given priority in the next phase of the Barents co-operation. The Pilot Actions will focus on common and co-ordinated concrete actions to be taken in order to improve the sustainable living conditions in the whole region. Proposal on the most functional and practical co-operation between central and regional level will be presented. The Pilot Actions are: - Industry development focusing on 3 sectors (Forestry, Minerals and Off-shore) - Higher education - Environment - Transport and Infrastructure.

Expected outcome:

The accumulated expected outcome of the 5 work packages is:  * A Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents region up until 2010. * The creation of cross-border industrial co-operation projects in key industrial sectors such as Forestry (Incl. Eco-Tourism), Minerals and Offshore/Fishing. * Suggestions on how to improve the Education and Research co-operation situation in the Barents region for selected areas, and to present at least 5 new co-operation projects. * Action plan based on analysis of the environmental situation in the Barents region on water quality and biodiversity as a base for future improvement. * New operational networks in the area of Transport and Infrastructure.