20th December 2002 PRESS RELEASE NEW call
for proposals launched by the European Union to fund Cross Border
Cooperation projects The
European Commission’s Tacis Cross Border Cooperation Programme launched
today a new call for proposals for its small and micro project facilities
(SPF and MPF) with a deadline for submissions of 21st
March 2003. The Call invites local and regional authorities in border
regions in Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine to submit
proposals for funding in partnership with neighbouring countries in
central Europe and European Union member states. Up to ˆ200,000 per
project is available over 18 months, representing 80% of total project
funding. The
Programme, launched in 1996, supports joint actions and initiatives on
the borders between Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine
with their central European neighbours and the European Union and
supports closer co-operation and integration at local cross border level
by means of grant financing. Projects
focus on the priority sectors of local
economic development, environment and energy efficiency, administrative
reform and social affairs and
comprise, among other elements, training, transfer of know-how, research,
exchange of experience, capacity building and the development of best
practise. The
main aims of the programme are to:
more information, including the application form and comprehensive
guidelines on eligibility and how to prepare a proposal, visit the
website of the Tacis Small Project Facility given below, or contact the
EuropeAid Co-operation Office on Fax:
(+32 2) 299 47 01, E-mail: |