Crossing Fences
- The Green and Natural Heritage of Gardens & Parks goes Tourism / X-ing,
City of Celle, Germany
Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic
Sea Region / NeLoC, University of Turku, Centre for Maritime
Studies, Finland
South Baltic Arc
- Spatial strategies for Integration and Sustainable Development
Acceleration of the South Baltic Arc Zone,
Ministry of Labour and Construction, Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania, Germany
SuPortNet II
- Sustainable Spatial Development with a Network of Ports for Boat
Tourism, Ostfold County, Norway
Baltic Welcome Centre for a high quality
sustainable development of cities and regions in the BSR in the frame
of spatial planning aspects / Baltic Welcome Centre (BWC),
Kalmar Municipality, Sweden
Sustainable Regional Development - High
Quality Tourism 2 / HQT 2, Regional Planning Association „Mecklenburgische
Seenplatte”, Germany