Interreg III B Northern Periphery/Project idea- /Partner-search form

Project title

Co-operation and exchange of good practice between non-profit organizations responsible for spatial planning and development support (COSPI)


1. Communications

1.1 Transportation, logistics and transport infrastructure

1.2 Access to information society

2. Strengthen sustainable economic development

2.1 Sustainable use of nature and natural resources

2.2 Business innovation and development of human resources

3. Community development

3.1 Household related service provision

3.2 Public management and spatial planning

Region / Authority

Contact person

Veniamin Eremeev, Konstantin Karas





18, Sovietsky prospect, 236000, Kaliningrad, Russia


+7 0112 272575


+7 0112 272575

Project description

Kaliningrad Oblast is the only Russian enclave and has a lot of common features with peripheral areas of Northern Europe. Oblast often collides with the similar problems such as insufficient services provision, health care, unemployment in rural areas, poor transport links etc. Therefore exchange of experience in spatial planning as an instrument of uniting economic, social and environmental factors of development could be especially important and useful both for Kaliningrad and countries of Northern Periphery Programme.

Central Aim

Provide an exchange of experience in spatial policy making and stimulate cooperation between partnerships from each country involved

Envisaged Output

Enhanced possibilities for Nordic and Russian organizations responsible for spatial planning and development support, as well as local authorities

Organization of seminars and conferences

Creating spatial planning organizations network

Thematic key words (5 key words maximum)


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Partners searched


Estimated budget