Vision and Strategies Around the Baltic 2010

Committee for Spatial Development

of  the Baltic Sea Region


XXVIII CSD meeting

St. Petersburg, 27 – 28 June 2002


Agenda 1/2

Third draft 24.06.2002



Draft Annotated Agenda of the 28th CSD/BSR Meeting,

St. Petersburg, 27 – 28 June 2002

Frame: the meeting will start at 9.00 on 27th June and end at 15.00 on 28th June

Venue: Leningrad Oblast Administration Building (center)

Chair: Mr Sergey Naryshkin


0. Opening of the meeting - Mrs  Lubov Sovershaeva on behalf of Plenipotentiary of RF President in Northwest Federal Okrug.


1.     Adoption of the Agenda.

Expected results: Adoption of the Agenda.

Background document:

  1. Third draft Agenda of the 28th CSD/BSR Meeting, distributed by VASAB 2010 Secretariat together with this Agenda (document 1/1);

  2. Third Draft Annotated Agenda of the 28th CSD/BSR Meeting, distributed by VASAB 2010 Secretariat on 24th June 2002 (document 1/2).


2.     Adoption of the Report of the XXVII CSD/BSR meeting in Stockholm, 24-25 Jan. 2002.

Expected results: Adoption of  the draft Report from 27th BSR.

Background document: Second Draft Report of 27th CSD/ BSR, distributed by VASAB 2010 Secretariat together with the second draft Agenda* (document no 2/1).



3.     East -West Forum Workshop and Model Region (Leningrad Oblast) Project presentation

CSD is expected to follow the Workshop Programme (attached), prepared by Irina Karelina.

 Expected result: 1) Approval of the East-West Forum project TOR and budget and relations to the Model Region Project.

Background document: 

  1. Draft TOR and budget of the project prepared by Irina Karelina, to be distributed at the meeting (document no 3/1);

  2. The workshop programme prepared by Irina Karelina, distributed together with this Agenda  (document no 3/2).

 4.     VASAB 2015 (Way Ahead). A  seminar.

CSD is expected to follow the seminar programme prepared by Audun Moflag.

 Expected result: 1) Approval of the project TOR and budget.

Background document: 

  1. List of documents recording the discussion on TOR of the Project, prepared by Secretariat, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 4/1)

  2. “VASAB – the Way Ahead” Task Force Project Proposal, prepared by Audun Moflag after the Task Force meeting in Tallin 22 – 23.03.02, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 4/2). Distributed originally on 23rd March 2002;

  3. Tentative budget of the Project prepared by Secretariat, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 4/3);

  4. CSD members’ comments to the Project Proposal, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 4/4);

  5. Draft Conclusions of the Troika meeting in Helsinki 06.05.2002, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 4/5). Distributed originally on 10th May 2002;

  6. The CSD seminar programme, prepared by Audun Moflag, distributed on 18th June 2002 (document no 4/6).


5.     TIA -TOR, budget of the project and CSD/BSR September Workshop Programme approval.

Secretariat(Mr JacekZaucha)  presents a draft TOR and budget of the Project, CSD workshop programme and the results of the Troika discussion concerning these documents.

CSD/BSR members, asked by Troika for preparation of inputs to the workshop, present their stand points.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss all these proposals and offers.

Expected result:               

  1. Approval of the Project TOR and budget.

  2. Approval of the Workshop Programme.

Background document: 

  1. Draft TOR of the Project (including draft Programme and draft Budget), distributed by VASAB 2010 Secretariat together with the second draft Agenda (document no 5/1);

  2. Draft Conclusions of the Troika meeting in Helsinki 06.05.2002, distributed by the VASAB Secretariat on 10th May 2002 (see document no 4/5);


6.     Working Plan for 2003 – 5. First approach.

VASAB  Chairman (Mr Sergey Naryshkin) supported by the Secretariat  presents:

  1. which issues from the Wismar Declaration are covered by the already approved INTERREG III B projects,

  2. which issues from the Wismar Declaration are covered by the project VASAB 2015 (Way Ahead) and what are the relations between this Project and the Working Plan,

  3. which issues from the Wismar Declaration are covered by the other, already approved, CSD/BSR activities (like TIA workshop and the East -West Forum),

  4. still missing coverage.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss:

  1. which issues from the Wismar Declaration, not covered by points a-c, should be implemented by CSD/BSR in the years 2003-2005 and in what form,

  2. in which INTERREG projects CSD/BSR is willing to be better  involved or informed about,

  3. whether the discussion on the working plan should be continued in a form of internet interactive forum. If yes, the Finnish hosts are willing to offer a short training to the CSD/BSR members, as an introduction to  the use of such forum, if not the proposals on the different forms of continuation are welcome.

Expected result:

1) Decision on how to continue the work on the finalisation of the CSD/BSR working plan for 2003-2005 up till the next CSD/BSR meeting in Finland in autumn 2002.

Background document: 

  1. Draft Conclusions of the Troika meeting in Helsinki 06.05.2002, distributed by the VASAB Secretariat on 10th May 2002 (see document no 4/5);

  2. Information on approved Interreg III B projects covering Wismar Declaration issues, prepared by VASAB Secretariat, distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 6/1);

  3. Information on  Interreg II C projects covering Wismar Declaration issues and implementing key themes of the VASAB 2010 Plus  (will be available on interactive forum) (document no 6/2).

7.     Nominating the CSD/BSR liaison to the Interreg III B SC (Troika proposal).

CSD/BSR Chairman Mr Sergey Naryshkin presents the Troika proposal to nominate the CSD/BSR liaison to the Interreg III B Steering Committee.

CSD members are welcome to discuss the Troika proposal.

Expected results: Decision about nominating the VASAB liaison to the Interreg III B SC.

Background documents: none


8.     Baltic 21: Johannesburg summit, triennial report and indicators -co-ordination programme with ESPON.

VASAB liaison to B21  (Mr Olle Lundgren) presents a proposal of draft text to the B21 Triennial Report with regard to spatial planing indicators.

VASAB Secretariat (Mr Jan Kuligowski) presents the possibility of using the ESPON indicators for illustrating progress of spatial planning in the BSR in its contribution to sustainable development of the region. He also presents a draft proposal concerning costs and format of VASAB marketing materials to be prepared for Johannesburg summit.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss these proposals.

Expected result:

  1. Decision how to continue the work on the preparation of spatial planing indicators for the B21.

  2. Decision about the costs and format of VASAB marketing materials to be prepared for Johannesburg summit.

Background document:

  1. Draft text to the B21 Triennial Report with regard to spatial planing indicators (document no 8/1), distributed by VASAB Secretariat together with this Agenda.

  2. ESPON Operational Programme (document no 8/2), distributed by VASAB Secretariat together  with this Agenda.


9.     Illustrating VASAB 2010 PLUS priority actions on a map. Decision

TF Chairman (Mr Sergey Naryshkin) presents the results of Troika meeting in Helsinki with regard to the map illustrating VASAB 2010 Plus priorities.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss the proposed by Troika conclusion to suspend the work on the map and to come back to this idea when the work on improvements of the territorial cohesion of the BSR (in the framework of the project VASAB Way Ahead) is  more advanced.

Expected result: 1) Decision on suspending or continuing work on the map.

Background document: 

1) Draft Conclusions of the Troika meeting in Helsinki 06.05.2002 (see doc. no  4/5).

 10.  VASAB Secretariat task list.

VASAB Secretariat (Mr Jan Kuligowski) presents the list of the Secretariat tasks as it was decided by the Ministers and CSD/BSR so far.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss the list of tasks.

Expected result:

1) Decision on eventual changing the list of Secretariat’s tasks.

Background document:                

  1. List of Secretariat tasks distributed together with the second draft Agenda (document no 10/1). Distributed originally on 25th March 2002;

  2. Comments by Germany to this list, distributed by the VASAB Secretariat together with the second draft Agenda (document no10/2).


11.  Approval of final version of the 2002 budget and information about actual financial standing.

11.1.       2002 budget.

Latvia and Lithuania are invited to declare their contribution to VASAB 2010 budget.

VASAB Secretariat (Mr Jan Kuligowski) presents the final version of the 2002 budget.

11.2.  Audit of 2001 Statement of receipts and Expenses and actual financial standing.

Mr Jan Kuligowski presents both documents.

CSD/BSR members are welcome to discuss the budget.

Expected result:

1) Approval of Final version of the 2002 budget.

Background document:                

  1. Second draft of the 2002 budget, distributed by the VASAB Secretariat together with the second draft Agenda (document no 11.1/1);

  2. Audited 2001 Statement of Receipts and Expenses distributed by the VASAB Secretariat together with the second draft Agenda (document no 11.2/1); 

  3. Information about actual financial standing, to be tabled at the meeting (document no 11.2/2).


12.  Next CSD/BSR meeting. Agenda, place, time.

The next CSD/BSR is proposed to take place on 7-8 October in Helsinki. CSD/BSR members having no possibility to attend this meeting on the proposed date are asked to inform Secretariat about it in advance. Offers for hosting CSD/BSR meeting in winter 2003 are welcome.

Expected result:

1) Fixing date, venue and most important issues on agenda of the next CSD/BSR.


13.  Any other business.

* for your convenience we inform you that the second draft Agenda was distributed on 6th June 2002