Vision and Strategies Around the Baltic 2010

Committee for Spatial Development

of  the Baltic Sea Region


XXVIII CSD meeting

St. Petersburg, 27 – 28 June 2002


Agenda 3/2

Date: 24.06.2002



First draft Programme of the East – West Forum.

Prepared by Irina Karelina



  1. Introduction to the workshop - by Irina Karelina

  • Presentation of the workshop structure

  • Presentation of the workshop expected results:

  1. improvement of the EST-West Forum project concept

  2. ensuring the CSD/BSR support for the project application to TACIS and INTERREG,

  3. better incorporation of the East-West Russia spatial development priorities into the CSD/BSR work Plan  for years to come.

  1. Conclusions from  the Meeting of the North-West Russian regions (key politicians and experts) with VASAB representatives (June 21st,2002, Saint-Petersburg) by Nina Oding

The main task of that meeting was the  discussion of an issue of North-West Russia' participation in BSR transnational activities in  the field of Spatial Planning (please see attachment)

  1. Presentation of the Development Strategy of the  North-West of Russia - by Artur Batchaev;

  2. Presentation of the Model Region Project of OECDby Me Sergey Naryschkin ;

  3. Presentation of the draft concept of the East-West Forum Project – by Irina Karelina;

    Focus on the main problem to be solved by the project

  4. Plenary discussion concerning the main problem of the projectleaded  by Irina Karelina;

  5. Simultaneous discussion of the project concept in two working groups - leaded by Ms Irina Karelina and Ms Nina Oding:

    Questions to be discussed:

    • Whether the proposed activities match main problem to be solved by the project,

    • Additional possible activities increasing project efficiency,

    • Possible inputs from the BSR countries (such as participation of the different organizations and authorities in the project, financial support from national sources etc.)

    • How to incorporate the project and priorities of the North-West Russia into the CSD/BSR work plan and “VASAB Way Ahead”.

    • Eventual suggestions concerning fundraising activities.

  6. Presentation of the Working Group results, plenary discussion, conclusions to the CSD/BSR minutes and official decision of the CSD/BSR supporting the projectleaded by Sergey ;