Project title

Developmant of ombudsman institute in Russian Baltic regions


  1. Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors (macro regions, coastal zones, islands and other specific areas)

  2. Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development (settlement structures, communication links, cultural and natural heritage)

  3. Promotion of institution building, strengthening transnational spatial development


Lead applicant


Contact person

Alexander Sungurov




198005, SPb, 7-Krasnoarmeiskaya 25/14 - 411




(812) 316-48-22

Thematic key words

Regional ombudsman,, Public participation

Project description

The set of seminars for promotion of ombudsman institute in Regions of North-Western Russia will be organized. The leaders of Non-government human rights organizations, members of regional legislatures and representatives of regional administration will be invited for participation of these seminars. These seminars will be organized by deep involving interactive  methods, with use the elements of psychology trainings. Presentation of the top level specialists will be added by the presentation of members of regional ombudsman office in Kaliningrad oblast.  The real ombudsmans from some Baltic countries will be invited as a lecturers for participation in these seminars

The consultations will be organized for the members of regional teams, organised during of these seminars for the promotion of ombudsman institute. 

Central objectives

Main objectives of thia project is the development of ombudsman institute in the regions of North-Western Russia

Other objective - is the inviolving of  the leaders of civil society group as well as members of academic community to complete  the process of ombudsman institute development

Third objective - is the enhancement of trans-board cooperation in baltic regions as in governmantal level, as at the level of NGOs.

Expected benefits

Main result will be the creation of ombudsman institute in the regionas of North-Western Russia

By the way for this results some concrete results will be received: preparation of draft of law, the begining of discussion of this draft in regional  parliament, voting the law,  nomination of candidates and election of ombudsman.

The improving of situation with realization of human rights in Russian regions will be the main benefit of this project.

Partners found already

Office of parliamentary controlers (ombudsmans of Lithuania, Human Rights Center in Vilnus, Danish  NGO "Dialogue Development")

Partners searched


Estimated budget

30.000 - 50.000 USD

Date of filling in the form
