Northwest Federal District: Social and Economic Development Strategy for a Period until 2015

Batchaev Arthur, Head of Department ANO “Institute of System projects”


North-West regions of Russia in the Spatial Planning Cooperation in Baltic Sea Region

Oding Nina, Head of Research Department of ICESR “Leontief Center”, St. Petersburg


Russian Participation in the BSR INTERREG III B projects 

Plichta Marta, Councilor of CEEC/NIS Joint Secretariat BSR Interreg IIIB Program, Baltic University


System Approach towards Northern Dimension and North-West of Russia, presentation thesis,

Khazova Ålena, Executive Secretary of Expert Council on Economic Development and Investments, Staff of Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in North-West Federal Okrug (Saint-Petersburg)


East-West Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region (in Russia)
Belova Elena,
Academic Secretary of ICESR "Leontief Center", St. Petersburg