
Seed Money - fourth call for applications is open!

Thematic fourth call for seed money applications was open on 24 June 2003 and will be closed on 8 September 2003.

The call will be open for applications focusing on:

Measure 2.1: Promoting balanced polycentric settlement structures (settlement structures covers urban regions, rural areas and urban-rural partnerships),
Measure 2.2: Creating sustainable communication links for improved spatial integration (transport and ICT),
Priority 3: Transnational promotion of institution building, strengthening the capacity for spatial development activities (institution building in regional and local authorities and other bodies of importance to spatial development).

Please go here for Seed Money Applicant's Pack.

Spring of 2003

Joint Task Forces meetings 

Due to the EU enlargement and according to the European Commission proposal, amendments need to be done for the existing INTERREG programmes. In the Baltic Sea region, two new cross-border priorities (IIIA priorities) will be created within the existing IIIB BSR programme - EST-LV-RUS and LV-LT-BY.

To prepare these two priorities, the joint Task Forces unit was organized. Its members have identified partners on Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian side and found relevant counterparts in Russia and Belarus to involve relevant partners from these countries in the preparatory process for the new priorities.

The first joint Task Force meeting was held on April 25, 2003 in Riga (Latvia).

The second joint Task Force meeting was held on May 26, 2003 in Tallinn (Estonia).

The next joint Task Force meeting will be held on June 30, 2003 in Vilnius (Lithuania).

February 2003

The Steering Committee will meet for an extra meeting to be held in Helsinki on 14 February 2003. The Steering Committee will review the project portfolio already approved and assess to which extent the objectives of the programme have been met so far. The Steering Committee will also discuss future directions, in particular with a view to the extended co-operation area during 2004 following EU enlargement. In 2003, the SC will be chaired by Ms Ulla Koski, Finnish Ministry of Environment.

February 2003

The next call for seed money applications will be open on 3 February and closed on 3 March 2003.

The BSR EU Member States have decided to add an extra amount of EUR 80.000 to the seed money facility to be used for seed money projects with lead partners from the four accession countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) as well as from Russia and Belarus. Maximum grant size per project is EUR 8.000 (20% national co-financing required). The seed money eligibility and selection criteria will be applicable to these funds. More information on this new funding is published in Seed Money section at www.bsrinterreg.net/projects.html.

Due to the fact that most of the financial means allocated to measure 1.2. (promoting sustainable spatial development of specific sectors) of the BSR INTERREG III B programme are committed, seed money projects are no longer encouraged to apply for funds in this measure (1.2.).

For further information please go to www.bsrinterreg.net or feel free to contact the BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat.

Rostock office:

E-mail: info@bsrinterreg.net

Karlskrona office:

E-mail: bsda@balticinstitute.se


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee 
The next meeting with the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee will be held in Helsinki, Finland 14 February 2003.

January of 2003
THIRD LEAD PARTNER SEMINAR - Aproved projects of the Third application Round
Lead partners of the approved projects (3rd call) take part in lead partner information seminar in Rostock on 22 January 2003. The aim of the seminar is to give practical information concerning implementation and reporting of BSR INTERREG III B projects.

January of 2003

Fourth call for project applications of the BSR Interreg IIIB Programme

The fourth call for project applications of the BSR Interreg IIIB Programme will be open on 17 February 2003 and closed on 14 March 2003. Applicant's Pack will be available for download at http://www.bsrinterreg.net/ before the call is open.


Approved projects - 3rd Call for project applications of the BSR Interreg IIIB Programme -

Decisions on project applications of the BSR Interreg IIIB 3rd Call were made at the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting on 16-17 December 2002 in Tallinn, Estonia. From 37 applications submitted - 36 applications passed the eligibility check and 16 projects went through the quality assessment  and were approved by the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee members. The Russian project partners are indicated in  9 approved projects.

For further information on the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee meeting, please go: http://www.leontief.ru/rnsc/rus/programs/vstrechiS.htm.