Interreg III B Northern Periphery/Project idea- /Partner-search form

Project title

Compendium of Spatial Planning Systems in Northern Periphery


1. Communications

1.1 Transportation, logistics and transport infrastructure

1.2 Access to information society

2. Strengthen sustainable economic development

2.1 Sustainable use of nature and natural resources

2.2 Business innovation and development of human resources

3. Community development

3.1 Household related service provision

3.2 Public management and spatial planning

Region / Authority

Finland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands, Northwest Russia

Contact person

Elena Belova





6 per. Antonenko, St. Petersburg 190000, Russia


+7 (812) 319-96-26


+7 (812) 319-98-14

Project description

Background. In 1998 Russia (Russia, St. Petersburg, Leontief Centre) has taken leadership in the work on producing Compendium of of Planning Legislation of Baltic Sea Countries. There has been prepared a general concept of compendium. Some of main issues have been examined by the Leontief Centre and it proposed the framework for the rapid start up and step-by-step approach to the preparation of the Compendium based on utilizing new information Internet technologies (www-server Compendium of Spatial Planning Systems in the Baltic Sea Region (

The project aims to establish initially, on a pilot basis, a Web-site based on information on planning legislation and systems of northern contries with specific focus on the spatial planning issues of countries, including providing on-line access to comparable and comprehensive source of information on planning laws and regulations; creating an informal close network of authorities and experts for discussing issues of spatial planning legislation and systems in the northern countries; promoting further exchange of knowledge and opinions on the spatial planning issues; ensuring a more active role of EU associated countries in the Northern Periphery in the process of shaping the future spatial development in the region, tacking possibilities of mobilizing the financial resources of the different programs for future maintaining of the Compendium


Format for description of national planning systems:

I    General information (Statistical Data, Administrative Organisation, Brief Overview of Planning Legislation)

II    Planning content and process according to the valid act and regulations (Basic Principles of act and Basic Tasks of Different Plans, Planning Obligation, Client/Producer of Plans, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Strategical Impact Assessment (SIA) in the planning process, Main Rules of Co-operation and Public Participation, Approvment/concertation/concordance of Plans, Supervision of Plans/Prerequisite for Enforcement, Enforcement and Validity of Plans, Legal Impact of Different Plans, Compensation for Damage Caused by Planning Restrictions, Obligation to Review Enforced Plans, Everybody’s Building Right in Rural Areas)

III    Current situation ans main problems in planning

IV    Tables (main characteristics of National Planning, Regional/County Planning, Municipal Comprehensive Planning, Detailed Planning)

Central Aim

Providing an authoritative and comparable source of information about planning systems and legislation in Finland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands, Northwest Russia

Envisaged Output

The interactive compendium describing spatial planning legislative and administrative systems of northern contries opened on the World Wide Web, which provides on-line access to the national planning policy documents, laws and regulations; presents people in the field of spatial planning systems and legislation; gives links to the main important visionary documents; uses common methodology and approach in the process of Compendium production; presents computerized/ printed  version of the Compendium

Thematic key words (5 key words maximum)

Compendium, spatial planning, planning legislation

Partners found already

Norway, Finland, Sweden

Partners searched

Scotland, Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands

Estimated budget


Month and Year this form is filled in: 12.09.2002