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Northern Dimension web page was opened on RNSC site in order to provide good understanding of this EU Initiative for Russian audience and in the same time to present the Russian point of view expressed by RNSC members and experts to EU community.


The Northern Dimension in the external and cross-border policies of the European Union covers the Baltic Sea region, Arctic Sea region and North West Russia. It addresses the specific challenges of those regions and aims to increase cooperation between the EU member states, the EU applicant countries and Russia. The Northern Dimension is implemented within the framework of the Europe Agreements with the Baltic States, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Russia and the European Economic Area regulations. The areas for cooperation under the Northern Dimension are the environment, nuclear safety, energy cooperation, Kaliningrad, infrastructure, business cooperation, Justice and Home Affairs, social development and others. The Northern Dimension operates through the EU’s financial instruments available for the region: Phare, Tacis and  Interreg. The Northern Dimension aims to use these financing instruments for projects which provide added value.

Northern Dimension in the context of Pan-European development: St. Petersburg poin of view
Vladimir Churov, Deputy Chairman, External Affairs Committee, Addministration of Saint-Petersburg (in Russian)

"Economic Cooperation Between Cities of the Baltic Sea Region"
Presentation by G.I. Tkachev, Executive Vice Governor of St. Petersburg, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, on the III Baltic Development Forum in St. Petersburg, September 24, 2001 

"Social and economic constituents of the "Northern Dimension" must be harmonized"
Report by V.À. Shljamin, Minister of Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Karelia, Chairman of Committee for International and External Economic Activity of "North-West" Association at the plenary session of International Forum "Northern Dimension. A social welfare and public health" in Yoensuu on September 17, 2002

The Northern Dimension: Interaction of Russia and the EU

Issues within the “Northern Dimension” framework, presented by RNSC members on the Third annual Leontief conference "The Russian Economy: Current Reform Issues" (February 8-9, 2002) for more information please visit Leontief Centre electronic magazine

Northern Dimension EU: Problems and Prospects,
Mr. Yury Deryabin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation; Centre of Northern Europe, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director; Advisory Council of International Baltic Development Forum, Member

Northern Dimension Program,
Mr. Leonid Iogman, Vologda oblast Deputy Governor, Head of Economic Department; Council on economic development and investment issues under RF President Plenipotentiary in North-West Federal Okrug, Expert [Russian]

Northern and Southern Dimension in Europe: from competition to cooperation
Mr. Vladimir Churov, Administration of Saint-Petersburg, Committee for External Affairs,
Deputy chairman [Russian]

Scenarios of Northern Dimension Development,
Mr. Valery Shlyamin, Minister of Foreign Relations, Republic of Karelia; Committee on International and External Economic Activities of “North-West” Association, Chairman [Russian] [Russian]

More information in Monography «Russia in the Northern Dimension» (in Russian)

In 2002  a monography by Minister of Foreign Relations, Republic of Karelia, Chairman of the Committee for

External Economic Relations, Association "North-West” Valerij Alexandrovich Shlyamin "Russia in "the Northern dimension" was published

To purchase the monography, please contact:

Petrozavodsk State University
Requisites of PetrGU:
Address: Petrozavodsk, pr. Lenina, 33
fax 7(814-2) 711-000
tel. 7(814-2) 78-15-40