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The site of the Delegation of the European Commission in Russia provides overall information about Tacis

EU-Russia Cooperation Programme/TACIS Russia

Cooperation areas

Legal basis and main strategic documents

Indicative Programmes

Programmes and Projects


Tenders and Grants



Contact Information


Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme

The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme belongs to one of the three strands of the European Community Initiative INTERREG III. These programmes address transnational co-operation and intend to encourage harmonious and balanced development of the European territory.

There are numerous networks, organizations and political initiatives linking up the Baltic Sea Region. They are actively contributing to building up joint development strategies. Subsequently, transnational INTERREG III B cooperation projects are based on concepts like the Second Northern Dimension Action Plan, VASAB 2010 strategies, as well as, for example, the programmes of HELCOM and Baltic 21.

The Baltic Sea Region's III B cooperation area includes eleven countries separated by numerous land and sea borders.




INTERREG IIIA Priority North supports cross-border co-operation between Estonia (11 regions), Latvia (5 regions) and Russia (St. Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, Pskov Oblast). The Priority is implemented within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme and is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Tacis programme, and co-financed by national partners.


INTERREG IIIA Priority South supports cross-border co-operation between Latvia (3 regions), Lithuania (7 regions) and Belarus (3 regions). The objective of the Priority is to utilize cross-border co-operation potential in order to facilitate the socio-economic development of the cross-border co-operation territory. INTERREG IIIA Priority Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus (South) is implemented in the framework of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme. INTERREG IIIA Priority South is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and EU Tacis programme and co-financed by project partners.



InfoSeminar on the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Neighborhood Programme
The Information Seminar devoted to the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Neighborhood Programme and Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Programme IIIA Priority North (Estonia-Latvia-Russia) and organized by St. Petersburg Tacis Local Support Office Project Support to Local Capacity Building through Local Support Offices (Technical Offices) in the Russian Federation and by the Central Office of Regional Capacity Building Initiative (RCBI) Project, was held on the 6th of September 2005 in Smolny. I.A. Karelina, Leontief Centre’ President, and E.G. Belova, Head of Development Department of the Leontief Centre, Academic Secretary, participated in the Information Seminar. 

Seminar Materials:


Russia signed financial agreement for Tacis 2004

The funds for Russian partners in the applying projects can now be released. The bodies managing Tacis and ERDF funds have to agree on procedures to be followed. Russian partners will be eligible for funding in the coming (eighth) call. More information will be available in the coming weeks.


IBPP competition - Support of Civil Society and Local Initiatives

On the 6th of April 2005 St. Petersburg Local Support Office of EU Projects in cooperation with Committee for External Relations and Tourism under St. Petersburg Administration carried out an information seminar to discuss conditions of announced IBPP competition – support of civil society and local initiatives with representatives of regional and local authority bodies and non-commercial partnerships of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast

In the framework of this programme it is possible to get grant on projects in following spheres:

- administrative and legal reform

- local economic development

- reforming of social system

Here you could find presentations of Valentina Chaplinskaya, EU Delegation, St. Petersburg Liaison Office, Project Officer, and Vladimir Skorokhodov, St. Petersburg Local Support Office, Head


The last call of Tacis Cross-Border Co-operation small project facility programme was closed on 2 April 2004

The last call of Tacis Cross-Border Co-operation small project facility programme, open in December 2003 by announcement of Tacis Local Support Office in St. Petersburg, was closed on 2 April 2004.

December 2003

The Tacis cross-border co-operation small project facility programme call has been open

Tacis Local Support Office in St. Petersburg has announced the opening of the Tacis cross-border co-operation small project facility programme. The deadline for the receipt of applications is 02/04/2004.

Click here for relevant documents.

The news publication date  – 25.12.2003

A new call for proposals for Tacis Small and Micro Project Facilities (SPF and MPF) was launched

The European Commission’s Tacis Cross Border Cooperation Programme launched a new call for proposals for its small and micro project facilities (SPF and MPF) with a deadline for submissions of 21st March 2003. The Call invites local and regional authorities in border regions in Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine to submit proposals for funding in partnership with neighbouring countries in central Europe and European Union member states.

The press release on the CBC Tacis Small Project Facility, please find  here .

New visual identity guidelines for the cooperation programme with Russia (former Tacis).

New visual identity guidelines for the programs under the European Union, including Cooperation programme with Russia (former Tacis) have been adopted.

"The new guidelines have been drawn up to ensure that projects that are wholly or partially funded by the Europen Union (EU) visibly acknowledge the support of the EU. They are to be used in briefings, press conferences, presentations, invitations, signs......and all other items used to highlight EU participation......Contractors and/or implementing partners are responsible for giving adequate publicity to the project or programme that they are implementing and to the support from the EU."

And new contractors are required to follow them (they can be found on the website www.eur.ru under Tacis - How to work with Tacis?) - to be adapted). Please find here  a template for the stationary to be used by contractors. You will see the only requirement is that the contractor should not use any longer the Tacis logo, and have at the bottom of the page the EU logo with the sentence "This project is funded by the European Union under its Tacis Programme".

As regards business cards, they should also feature the EU logo and the above sentence. Of course they should also contain the name of the project etc. so that the person can not be confused with somebody working/representing directly for the EU



contact information

Delegation of the European Commission in Russia

Moscow office:
109017, Moscow, Kadashevskaya nab., 14/1
Tel. (095) 721 20 00 / 01
Fax (095) 721 20 20



St. Petersburg Liaison office of the EC Delegation to Russia was closed on February 28th, 2006. All tasks related to the project management are relocated to the EC Delegation, Moscow. Contact information:

Tel.: +7 (495) 721 20 34

Fax: +7 (495) 721 20 40

e-mail: valentina.chaplinskaya@ec.europa.eu

tacis Local Support Offices

St. Petersburg

Tel.: (812) 325-08-19
Fax: (812) 325-08-21

Office 328
Izmaylovskyi pr.,14
198005, St. Petersburg


Tel.: (8142) 78-16-74
Fax: (8142) 78-11-99

Ul. Lenina, 37a
185035, Petrozavodsk


Tel.: (0112) 71-67-99
Fax: (0112) 71-67-98

Business Centre, Entrance 1
Office 22 Pl. Pobedy, 4
236040, Kaliningrad

NATIONAL Coordination unit/ russia


Tel.: (095) 945-22-64/

945-41-90, 255-58-31
Fax: (095) 255-52-59


Moscow 125284
Perviy Khoroshovsky proezd, 3a