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  Good Practice East-West Forum Project Ideas Project Idea Application Form  


The Baltic Environmental Information Dissemination System

Karelian Atlantic Spatial Network (KASPNET)

Sustainable Development with a Network of Ports for Boat Tourism in the Baltic sea Region (SuPortNet)

Local development and transnational co-operation in Russian-Estonian cross-border region

BSR Interreg III B projects with the participation of Russian partners


East-West Spatial Planning Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region 

«East-West Forum: sustainable development of the BSR» project was initiated in 2001 for establishment and development of the dialogue between the BSR states and the North West Russia regions, as well as for RNSC activities support. The Forum will work as an arena for exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of spatial and regional sustainable development to stimulate partnerships and increase the possibilities for co-operation and networking between North-West Russian regional authorities and other BSR regions:

The main objectives of the project are:

  • strengthen the grass-root involvement of Russia in the Baltic problems and issues,

  • contribute to better implementation of the Northern Dimension Action Programme of EU.

  • bring new economic stimuli to the development of the North West part of Russia thanks to increasing face to face international contacts at local and regional level in the framework of concrete project,

  • encourage Russian regional and local decision-makers to change their developmental patterns and behaviors to the more entrepreneurial ones (orientation towards financial engineering, acquisition of external grants, inventing/conceptualizing and building of transnational projects),

  • ensure involvement of the North West Russia in the economic and social development of the BSR,

  • create better climate among the citizens of North-West Russia towards EU enlargement and more vivid EU presence in the BSR,

The target group are professionals (civil servants, experts) and politicians from regional and local authorities of the North-West of Russia., experts, representatives of the consulting centers from North-West Russia, able to assist civil servants and politicians in elaboration and realization of the trans-border co-operation projects.


Political Support


The project was supported by members of the Committee for Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region  ( CSD / BSR ) within VASAB 2010 Programme (Letter by Mrs. Ulla Koski, the Chairman of the  CSD / BSR VASAB 2010 for “The East West Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region” project support), was recognized relevant to the main statements of  the Wismar Declaration ( Wismar Declaration on transnational spatial planning and  development policies for the Baltic Sea Region to 2010 was accepted at the Fifth Conference of Ministers responsible for spatial planning and development in the countries of the Baltic Sea Region held in Wismar on 21. September 2001, identifies the main requires, work directions and priorities of VASAB 2010 strategy ) and indicated as one of the work priorities of VASAB 2010+ Programme activity.

Both importance and actuality of the work within the project were recognized by the BSR Interreg IIIB Russian National Sub-Committee (Extract from Minutes of the BSR Interreg IIIB Russian National Sub-Committee meeting, 21 June 2002).

The project was proposed for Action Plan of the «Northern Dimension» Programme (2004-2006) (Letter by Mrs.Ulla Koski, Chairman of CSD / BSR VASAB 2010 «Input to Preparation of Northern Dimension Action Plan, 2004-06»).

Project Implementation

In 2003 two East West Project applications were submitted to BSR INTERREG III B Seed Money and Tacis Programs.

BSR INTERREG III B Seed Money. Project application «East-West Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region» was approved with co-financing from ERDF of the BSR INTERREG III B  (Brief version of approval letter by Joint Secretariat).

During implementation of Seed Money Project East-West Forum: Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region on the 19th of September the meeting was held in Gdansk (Poland) where the content and membership of partners of the main project were discussed and also the decision on submitting of two project applications in the framework of the next competition of BSR INTERREG III B and Tacis CBC Programmes was made.

In compliance with this decision made by partners during the meeting in Gdansk, in 2004 two applications: Promoting Spatial Development by Creating COMmon MINdscapes - COMMIN submitted to BSR INTERREG III B Programme and Developing EXcellence  - DEX.  Excellence Centres’ Network for Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region” submitted to Tacis Programme were prepared and presented.

The application submitted in the framework of competition of BSR INTERREG III B Programme was approved on the Steering Committee meeting held on the 4th of June 2004.  

The application submitted in the framework of competition of Tacis Programme was quality evaluated and preliminarily approved. The final decision is expected in July 2004.

At present the process on implementation of the Project Promoting Spatial Development by Creating COMmon MINdscapes – COMMIN is started.

If you have any questions on implementation of the project East-West Forum: Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region you could contact Mrs. Elena Belova, Russian Project Coordinator (ph.: +7 (812) 319-96-26, e-mail: belova@leontief.spb.su)

Main documents:


Project idea, submitted to the Project Idea Catalogue in the framework of the 1st Partner Search Forum (25 October 2001, Riga) and the 2nd Partner Search Forum (7-8 June  2002, Tromso)


Conception of the Forum, stages of project elaboration and realization, Plan for Tacis CBC project preparation (in Russian) (presented by Mrs.Elena Belova, Academic Secretary, Head of Development Department, ICSER “Leontief Centre”  at the RNSC meeting, 21 June, 2002.)


Presentation of East-West Forum project by Karelina Irina A., Responsible Secretary of RNSC, member of the Committee on Spatial Planning of the BSR at the XXVIII meeting of the Committee on Spatial Planning of the BSR, 27-28 June 2002, St. Petersburg


Presentation on the main activities for the “East-West Forum” project forming and realization, by Irina A.Karelina, member of the Committee on Spatial Planning of the BSR at the XXIX meeting of the Committee on Spatial Planning of the BSR, 21-22 November 2002, Helsinki


«East-West Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region» project:  brief version (In Russian)», presented to Mrs. L.P.Sovershaeva, the First Deputy of RF President Plenipotentiary in the North-West Federal District  and Mrs.S.V.Ganeeva, Head of Department of Economic Development programmes and Co-operation with International Financial Institutions, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.


Project Idea, submitted to the Project Idea Catalogue in the framework of the 3rd Partner Search Forum  ( 15-17 June 2003, Gdansk).



Project ideas


Arkhangelsk oblast

Kaliningrad oblast

Leningrad oblast

Murmansk oblast

Pskov oblast

Republic of Karelia


Vologda oblast




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