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BSR Interreg IIIB NP

Steering and Monitoring Committees

Documents Events and meetings

Partner Search Forums 

BSR Interreg IIIB Project calls

Seed Money

Contact information



The Russian version of this core web section of the RNSC site focused on the translation and dissemination of the main documents and guidelines of BSR INTERREG IIIB programme, Partner Search Forums, Steering and Monitoring Committee’s activities and most important events of Russian participation.
The English version gives opportunity to get main information on BSR Interreg III B Programm too (
short information). But
from the other hand besides that RNSC members through English version are presenting the results of Russian participation in the work of:

providing easy links to the main Interreg server and also other sections of RNSC own web site.


The Section is Being Updating



Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 - 2013 Conference

Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 - 2013 Conference will take place in Hamburg, Germany on 10 - 11 of May 2007. Two-day Conference will offer the chance to learn about new opportunities in the coming programme, to establish useful contacts for future transnational co-operation and to discuss how projects will address four new co-operation themes: "fostering innovations", "accessibility", "Baltic Sea as common resource" and "improving competitiveness of cities and regions". For practical information please visit the Conference website.

Conference Program

General Information


May - June 2007

Tenth Meeting of BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee 

The next MC meeting will possibly take place in May – June 2007 in connection to a BSR Programme 2007 – 2013 MC meeting.



Tender for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

For 2007-2013 the Commission proposed a new financial instrument, the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) supporting the implementation of the EU Neighborhood Policy.
Estonia, Latvia and Russia are currently working on the future Estonia – Latvia - Russia ENPI cross-border cooperation programme. The objective of the SEA is to integrate environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007 – 2013 with a view to promoting sustainable development.
Hereby the companies/persons interested in carrying out the strategic environmental assessment are invited to submit their proposals. Deadline for submission of tender proposals is 20 April, 2007.
Further details are available HERE.


February 2007


Highlights of BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER (No 27, February 2007) are:

  • Why do we talk about communication?

  • Preparation of next programme goes on

  • Announcement: Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 conference

  • Finalised projects: Barents 2010

For additional information please visit BSR INTERREG website.


26-27.01. 2006

The Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on Baltic Sea Region Program for 2007-2013

The second meeting of the Joint Committee on Baltic Sea Region Program for 2007-2013 took place on January 26th-27th, 2006 in Copenhagen (Dania). I.A. Karelina, Leontief Centre President, participated in the meeting as Responsible Secretary of the Russian National Sub-Committee of the BSR INTERREG III B NP. The Committee will prepare proposals on the priorities for transnational co-operation in the BSR programme 2007-2013. Task Forces and Consulting Groups have already been created. RF Ministry for Regional Development and RF Ministry for Economic Development and Trade were invited for cooperation from the Russian side. A.O. Bobyleva was appointed to the Joint Committee to represent RF Ministry for Regional Development.



The Eighth Call for Project Application of BSR IR IIIB Programme

The eighth call for project proposals was closed on the 23rd of September 2005. Totally 64 project applications were submitted to the Joint Secretariat. The approval decisions will be taken by the Steering Committee in December 2005.


InfoSeminar on the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Neighborhood Programme
The Information Seminar devoted to the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Neighborhood Programme and Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB Programme IIIA Priority North (Estonia-Latvia-Russia) and organized by St. Petersburg Tacis Local Support Office Project Support to Local Capacity Building through Local Support Offices (Technical Offices) in the Russian Federation and by the Central Office of Regional Capacity Building Initiative (RCBI) Project, was held on the 6th of September 2005 in Smolny. I.A. Karelina, Leontief Centre’ President, and E.G. Belova, Head of Development Department of the Leontief Centre, Academic Secretary, participated in the Information Seminar. 

Seminar Materials:

September 2005

2 new articles on the BSR INTTEREG web site

You could find 2 new articles on the BSR INTTEREG web site, What’s new section:

1) Applying for Tacis funding - questions and answers

2) Pskov Region expressed its interest in participation in projects 


September 2005


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 22/ September 2005:

- Eighth call for project applications is open!

- Extension Stage Instrument to the running projects launched!

- Maritime Safety Umbrella Operation

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 22, September 2005, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section


July 2005

Neighbourhood Programmes Electronic Newsletter

HERE you could find the 3rd edition of the Neighbourhood Programmes Electronic Newsletter


Nine projects approved in the INTERREG IIIA South Priority

On the 29-30 June 2005 the Steering Committee (SC) of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme IIIA Priority South met in Druskininkai, Lithuania to discuss the project applications submitted for the second Call for Proposals. The Call was launched on the 28th February 2005 and was closed on the 2nd May 2005. Altogether 21 project applications were received.

The SC approved 9 projects to be co-financed from the ERDF, all of them have been approved under conditions.

Next Call for Proposals for the South Priority will be launched on 5th of September 2005. It will be open until 31 October 2005.

The Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme IIIA Priority South is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the EU Tacis Programme. It supports cross-border cooperation between the regions located on the borders between Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus. Total amount of funding available for the projects in South priority for the years 2004 - 2006 amounts to 10,417,541 EUR from the ERDF and 1 million EUR has been allocated from Tacis 2004 Programme.



Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee
The BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee 8th meeting took place on the 13th – 14th of June in Helsinki (Finland). I.A. Karelina, RNSC Responsible Secretary, participated in the meeting as observer.


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee

The BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee 10th meeting was held on the 2nd – 3rd of June in Oslo, Norway. I.A. Karelina, RNSC Responsible Secretary, participated in the meeting. The project applications, which were submitted to the 7th application round for INTERREG financing, were discussed during that meeting. 21 project ideas with Russian participation were submitted and among them10 projects ideas were approved.

You could find more information on the RNSC web site, section Programs/ Steering Committee/ Meetings


June 2005


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 21/ June 2005:

- next call to be open in July

- 17 projects approved in the seventh call

- uncertainty about future transnational co-operation

- guidance note (for those interested in applying in the next call for project applications in autumn 2005)

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 21, June 2005, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section



Partner Search Forum in Vilnius

The fourth Partner Search Forum (PSF) was organized on the 23-24 May 2005 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The purpose of the Partner Search Forum was to encourage the prospective partners to present their ideas and find partners for the cooperation in the field of spatial planning and regional development issues. The Forum was focused on the Priority 2 for promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable development and on the programme’s Priority 3 for transnational and bilateral cooperation on institutional and capacity building.

The organizers of the Forum were BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat and the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Lithuania.  

You could find more information on the RNSC web site, section Programs/ BSR INTERREG/ Partner Search Forums



Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B National Sub-Committees
The BSR INTERREG III B National Sub-Committees meeting took place on May 23rd 2005 in Vilnius (Lithuania). Irina Karelina, as RNSC Responsible Secretary, and A.V. Sereda, as Representative of RNSC Co-chairman from Pskov Oblast Administration, participated in the meeting from the side of Russian National Sub-Committee. Irina A. Karelina made a
presentation concerning RNSC activities



13 Applications Received for the INTERREG IIIA North Priority

The 2nd call for project applications for the INTERREG IIIA North Priority was closed on 18 April 2005. Altogether 13 applications have been received.

9 of the received projects have Latvian Lead Partners and 4 – Estonian Lead Partners. In addition 33 partners are from Latvia, 20 partners from Estonia and 5 partners from Russia are involved in the submitted applications.

10 project proposals have been submitted for Measure 1 – cooperation on cooperation on borders between Latvia and Estonia and 3 for Measure 2 – EU external borders with Russia.

Decisions on projects to be funded shall be made by the INTERREG IIIA North Priority Steering Committee on June 16-17, 2005.

INTERREG IIIA is a European Community Initiative Programme aiming at utilising the cross-border cooperation potential and facilitating the socio-economic development of the border regions. INTERREG IIIA North Priority supports cross-border cooperation on the borders between Estonia, Latvia and Russia and is implemented in the framework of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme.


April 2005

BEIDS Briefing 2005. Hamburg Sustainable Construction Forum: Environmental Management and Sustainable Construction in Europe

One of the major obstacles to the implementation of sustainable development is the fact that it is often perceived as something vague and abstract. Yet, the implementation of a sustainability dimension in the construction sector is not only possible, but it also makes environmental and finance sense. This seminar, organized in the context of the Interreg IIIB SmartLIFE project, will explore the links between environmental management and sustainability in the North Sea and Baltic Sea Region and showcase ways of putting sustainability in the construction field into practice.
The event will be held at TuTech in Hamburg on 26.05.2005 - 27.05.2005. Its primary aim is to clarify what the concept of sustainable development is and means to the construction business. In addition, the event aims at providing some information on the integration between environmental management methods and approaches to sustainable construction. Finally, it intends to provide a platform from which specialists from the North Sea region can interact with experts from other parts of Europe, especially from the Baltic Sea area.

Participation at the Hamburg Sustainable Construction Forum is free of charges but is by invitation only. Interested persons should register online at http://tutech.de/22323463 and - subject to acceptance - will receive further information.


April 2005


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 20/ April 2005:

  • 46 applications received in the seventh call

  • 58 seed money applications submitted

  • funds for Belarus were made available

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 20, April 2005, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section.


March 2005

The ESPON Programme Reports

The ESPON Programme was launched in 2002 as a follow up of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). The programme is implemented by EU member states in the framework of the Community Initiative INTERREG III.  The main objective of ESPON is to prepare:

  • a diagnosis of the principal territorial trends at EU scale as well as the difficulties and potentialities within the European territory as a whole;

  • a cartographic picture of the major territorial disparities and of their respective intensity;

  • a number of territorial indicators and typologies assisting a setting of European priorities for a balanced and polycentric enlarged European territory;

  • some integrated tools and appropriate instruments (databases, indicators, methodologies for territorial impact analysis and systematic spatial analyses) to improve the spatial co-ordination

The ESPON Project 1.1.1 deals with the role, specific situation and potentials of urban areas as nodes in a polycentric development. It was started in  2002 and completed in autumn 2004.

Here you could find reports of ESPON projects.


The Lead Applicant Seminar INTERREG IIIA Estonia – Latvia – Russia, will take place on 31 March- 1 April in Diki, Latvia.

BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat Riga organizes the seminar for Lead Applicants to the INTERREG IIIA Priority North supporting the cross-border cooperation between Estonia, Latvia and Russia. The Lead Applicant Seminar will take place on 31 March- 1 April in Diki, Latvia.

This event is specifically aimed at Lead Applicants - the organizations intending to submit the project application as a lead partner.

The objectives of the seminar are:

  • to provide Lead Applicants with detailed information on how to fill in the application form;

  • to explain the most important project implementation procedures;

  • to provide opportunity for individual consultations.

The language of seminar will be English.

In order to register for the Seminar, the interested Lead Applicants are asked to submit a Registration Form and the Project Information Form, which can be downloaded here.

The deadline for registration is 24th March, 2005. The Registration Form and the Project Idea Form must be sent to Signe Raikstiсa, eMail: info@bsrinterreg3a.net, fax: +371 7357372.

For further information please contact Signe Raikstiсa, Programme Assistant, BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat Riga:

Address: State Regional Development Agency, Elizabetes Street 19, Riga, LV-1010, phone: +371 735 7368, fax: +371 735 73 72, eMail: info@bsrinterreg3a.net


Seventh Call for Seed Money Applications

The seventh seed money application round was closed on Monday, 14 March 2005. The call was open to all measures, including measure 3.2. 58 projects applied for funds. 12 projects were approved, 4 projects indicating Russian partners


The Seventh Call for Project Applications of BSR INTERREG III B Programme.

The seventh call for project proposals was launched on 1 February 2005 and was closed on 7 March 2005. Joint Secretariat has received 46 projects applications. The approval decision was taken by the Steering Committee on 2-3 June 2005 in Oslo. 17 projects were approved, 10 projects indicating Russian partners


The 2nd Call for Project Applications in INTERREG III A Priority North

The 2nd Call for Project Applications in INTERREG III A Priority North was opened on the 28th of February 2005 and closed on the 18th of April 2005.

February 2005


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 19/ February 2005:

  • Norway takes over chairmanship in the Steering Committee

  • seventh call for project applications was opened on 1 February 2005

  • seventh call for seed money applications was opened on 14 February 2005

  • meeting with the new commissioner for regional policy, Ms Danuta Hübner

  • article about spatial planning for sustainable development

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 19, February 2005, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section.

January 2005

BSR INTERREG IIIB Neighborhood Programme

Russian partners participation in the 7th call for project applications of the BSR INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme:

Also please find a presentation on NP preparations.

 March 2005.

December 2004


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 18/ December 2004:

  • call for experts to assess project applications in the 7th call

  • 15 projects approved in the 6th call

  • transnationality

  • outcome of the questionnaire on information measures

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 18, December 2004, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section.

December 2004

European Commission confirmed the Programme Complement.

Programme Complement of BSR INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme was confirmed by the European Commission.

Brochure presenting project approved in the 3rd and 4th call is now printed. Each MC/SC member will receive 20 copies per post.


Thematic workshop on transport, Lübeck, Germany, 8 December 2004

Thematic workshop on transport will be organized together by the BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat and the VASAB 2010 Secretariat in Lübeck, Germany, on 8 December 2004.
The aim of the workshop is to provide orientation on upcoming high quality project proposals in the identified missing themes of the measure 2.2. submitted by relevant stakeholders (including pan-Baltic organizations) in the next application round. A report from the findings at the workshop could facilitate discussion at the SC meeting in Hamburg on possible reallocation of the still available funds.
Please observe that the audience should be restricted to experts in transport, spatial and regional planning from the interested local, regional and national authorities and should rather not exceed 40 persons.

Here you could find a concept of the workshop.

October 2004

BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme has been approved

On Tuesday, 18 October, the Commission has approved the BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme

October 2004

Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Programme includes two new Priorities

Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Programme includes two new Priorities aimed at cross-border cooperation: 

  • Priority North: Estonia-Latvia-Russia shall support cross-border cooperation on the immediate borders between Estonia, Latvia and Russia

  • Priority South: Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus will support cross-border cooperation between Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus

Here you could look at information about the first call for proposals for the INTERREG IIIA Programme that is launched on October 1, 2004 with the deadline for project submission on November 15, 2004

Please visit BSR INTERREG Programme web site for relevant programme documents and other information needed


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee
The BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee 9th meeting will take place on December 09-10 2004 in Hamburg, Germany.

September 2004

The European Commission amended the Guidelines for the INTERREG III Community Initiative

The European Commission amended the Guidelines for the INTERREG III Community Initiative, in order to take account of the enlargement of the Community as of 1 May 2004. The amendments also took into account the Communication of 1 July 2003 from the Commission Paving the Way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument.
If you need the Guidelines in other Community languages, please visit
the EUR-LEX database

September 2004


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 16/ September 2004:

  • Sixth call for project applications is open!

  • National sub-committee in Finland

  • Seed money sixth round

  • First call for IIIA priorities to come

  • New colleagues in JS

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 16, September 2004, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section.

June 2004


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 15/ June 2004:

  • 19 projects approved in the 5th call

  • 6th call to be open in August

  • Neighbourhood news

  • Database on running projects launched

  • Approval of the amended Programme expected soon   

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 15, June 2004, please go: http://www.bsrinterreg.net/news.html at Newsletter section.


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee
The BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee meeting will take place on 3-4 June 2004 in Riga, Latvia.


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee
The BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee meeting was held on 20 April 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Fifth call for project application of BSR IR IIIB Programme – 36 projects being assessed

The fifth call for project application was closed on February 2004. Altogether 39 projects sent their application to the Joint Secretariat. One project withdrew its proposal and two projects didn’t pass the technical eligibility check. 36 project applications are now undergoing the quality assessment. The decision on approvals will be made during the SC meeting that is scheduled for June 2004.

Spring of 2004

RNSC Task Force meetings

The Task Force of Russian National Sub-Committee, created for preparation of proposals for submitting to the Interreg III B NP program document, has been holding a number of meetings since March. Documents elaborated by RNSC Task Force members and sent to BSR IR IIIB authorities and disseminated among RNSC members for discussion on further amendments to CIP/NP from Russian Perspective can be downloaded at BSR Interreg IIIB NP section.

March of 2004

BSR IR IIIB/Neighborhood Programme:

Monitoring Committee Task Force for amending the Community Initiative Programme) and Steering Committee Task Force for Programme Strategy

The Task Force for amending the main programme reference document Community Initiative Programme (CIP) met in Rostock on 9-10 March to discuss the position paper of the Commission and necessary changes in the BSR INTERREG III B Neighborhood Programme.

On 11-12-March the BSR IR IIIB Steering Committee Task Force for Programme Strategy met in Berlin to discuss changes in the strategic focus of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme.

For detailed information please go: BSR IR IIIB NP section or download from Newsletter N14 at http://www.bsrinterreg.net.


The meetings of BSR Interreg Steering and Monitoring Committees took place in January-February of 2004. The RNSC committee, as the main labour body of Russian regions in the framework of Interreg III B Programme under coordinating role of Committee for Economic Development has on the fly created "micro" Task Force for preparation of proposals for submitting to the Interreg III B program document.

For detailed information on documents presented by Russian representatives within the meeting and other documents, elaborated by RNSC Task Force please go: BSR Interreg IIIB NP section.


Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee
BSR INTERREG III B Monitoring Committee meeting was held on 5 February 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

January of 2004


The following issues were presented in the BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 13/ January 2004:

  • Fifth Call for Project Applications is open

  • Amending the Program

  • Committed and Remaining Funds

  • Tacis


  • BSR Interreg IIIB NP Events

To have a look at BSR INTERREG III B NEWSLETTER No 13, January 2004, please go here.

January of 2004

Meeting of the BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee
The BSR INTERREG III B Steering Committee meeting took place on January 26-27 2004 in Lubeck, Germany.





BSR Interreg III B contact information

BSR Interreg III B Secretariat

Rostock Office: Grubenstrasse 20, 18055 Rostock, Germany; Tel: +49 381 45484 5281, Fax: +49 381 45484 5282
info@bsrinterreg.net  (CEEC and NIS adviser - Marta Plihta)


Karlskrona Office:  closed 


Riga Office: Elizabetes iela 19, 1010 Riga, Latvia; Tel: +371 735 7368, Fax: +371 735 7372, E-mail: info@bsrinterreg3a.net